Gheorghe DUCA, academician

doctor habilitat în chimie, profesor universitar
Președintele Societății de Chimie din Republica Moldova

Republica Moldova
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Materiale ale conferințelor


478. DUCA, Gh.; ROMANCIUC, L.; COVALIOVA, O.; TASCA, C. Specifics of the Redox Processes in Natural Aquatic Systems. In: Proceedings of the Sci. and Pract.Conf. with intl. participation "Geo- and Bioecological Problems of the Middle and Lower Dniester River Basin", Tiraspol: 15 Nov 2024, pp.78-81. DOI:,

477. TRAVIN, S., DUCA, Gh., VASEASHTA, A., COVALIOVA, O., ROMANCIUC, L. Dielectric Barrier Discharge: Mechanism and Spectrum of Applications. In: Book of Abstracts of the International Symposium on Dielectric Materials and Applications "ISyDMA'8", May 12-16, 2024, Orlando, Florida, USA, p. 20.

476. DUCA, Gh., COVALIOV, V., ROMANCIUC, L., COVALIOVA, O., IONET, I., UNGUREANU, D. Integrated approach of biochemical wastewater treatment. In: Proceedings of the 22th International Scientific-Practical Conference "Resources of natural waters in Carpathian Region" - Problems of protection and rational exploitation, May 23-24, 2024, Lviv, Ucraina, pp. 230-233.

475. MOCANU, L.; GONȚA M.; DUCA Gh. Studiul legităților cinetice de transformare a acidului galic prin aplicarea proceselor de oxidare avansată în sisteme model. In: Integrare prin cercetare și inovare: conferința științifică națională cu participare internațională. Ştiinţe ale naturii și exacte, 7-8 noiembrie 2024 (in press).

474. LIS, A.; GLADCHI, V.; DUCA Gh.; BUNDUCHI, E.; BLONSCHI, V. The water self-purification capacity in the presence of vitamin B12. In: International Symposium "The Environment and the Industry", SIMI 2024. Bucuresti: 2024, 19-20 september 2024, pp. 37-38. DOI:

473. LIS A., GLADCHI V., DUCA Gh. Influența substanțelor humice asupra fotolizei thioureei în sistemele acvatice. In: Materialele Conferinţei Ştiinţifice Internaţionale Patrimoniul cultural de ieri - implicaţii în dezvoltarea societăţii durabile de mâine, Ediția 9, 8-9 februarie 2024, Iași - Chișinău- Lviv, Republic of Moldova, pp. 204-205. ISSN 2558 - 894X.

473. LIS, Angela, GLADCHI, Viorica, DUCA, Gheorghe, BUNDUCHI, Elena. Sensitized photolysis of thiourea in the aquatic environment. In: Proceedings of the 22th International Scientific-Practical Conference "Resources of natural waters in Carpathian Region" - Problems of protection and rational exploitation, May 23-24, 2024, Lviv, Ucraina, pp. 171 - 174.

472. BUNDUCHI, E., LIS, A., GLADCHI, V., DUCA, Gh. Studiul proceselor de autopurificare pe sisteme de tip microcosm pentru vitamine din complexul B. In: Materialele Conferinţei ştiinţifice naţionale cu participare internaţională ,,Integrare prin cercetare şi inovare" dedicată Zilei internaţionale a Ştiinţei pentru Pace şi Dezvoltare, Ştiinţe ale naturii și exacte, 9-10 noiembrie, 2023, Chişinău, Republica Moldova, pp. 438-443. ISBN 978-9975-62-687-3.

471. BUNDUCHI, E.; GLADCHI, V.; CISTEACOV, M.; LIS, A.; BLONSCHI, V.; DUCA, Gh. Stabilirea impactului poluării cu vitamina B6 asupra capacității de autopurificare a sistemelor acvatice naturale (Lacuri). In: Integrare prin cercetare și inovare: conferința științifică națională cu participare internațională. Ştiinţe ale naturii și exacte, 7-8 noiembrie, 2024 (in press).

470. VICOL, C., DUCA, G. Formarea ecovaleologică a tinerilor specialiști în cadrul cursului de chimie ecologică: abordarea subiectului interacțiunilor antioxidante. In: Proceedings of the International Scientific Conference "Science And Education: New Approaches and Perspectives", 21 - 22 March 2024, Chisinau, Republic of Moldova, pp. 166-176.


469. TRAVIN, S.; DUCA, Gh.; VASEASHTA, A.; COVALIOVA, O.; ROMANCIUC, L. Dielectric Barrier Discharge: Mechanism and Spectrum of Applications. Book of Abstracts, "ISyDMA'8" International Symposium on Dielectric Materials and Applications, USA, Orlando, Florida, May 12-16, 2024, p.20.

468. DUCA, Gh.; COVALIOV, V.; ROMANCIUC, L.; COVALIOVA, O.; IONET, I.; UNGUREANU, D. Integrated approach of biochemical wastewater treatment. XXII International Scientific-Practical Conference "Resources of Natural Waters of the Carpathian Region". Lviv, Ukraine, 23-24 May, 2024, p.230-233.

467. VICOL, C., DUCA, G. Formarea ecovaleologică a tinerilor specialiști în cadrul cursului de chimie ecologică: abordarea subiectului interacțiunilor antioxidante. In: Proceedings of the International Scientific Conference "Science And Education: New Approaches And Perspectives", 21 - 22 March 2024, Chisinau, Republic of Moldova.

466. BUNDUCHI, E., GLADCHI, V., DUCA, Gh., CISTEACOV, M. Stabilirea impactului poluării cu vitamina B6 asupra capacității de autopurificare a sistemelor acvatice naturale (lacuri). În: Mater. "Conf. ştiinţ. naţ. cu participare internaţ. ,,Integrare prin Cercetare şi Inovare", 7-8 noeimbrie 2024


465. BOLOCAN, N.; DUCA, GH. Stopped-flow studies of the interaction of DFH4 and its derivatives with DPPH•. In: Book of abstracts of the National conference with international participation "Life sciences in the dialogue of generations: connections between universities, academia and business community", 29-30 septembrie, 2022, Chisinau, Moldova, Editura USM, p. 205.

464. BOLOCAN, N., DUCA, GH. Estimation of ADMET properties of DFH4 and its novel derivatives. In: Book of abstracts of the National conference with international participation "Life sciences in the dialogue of generations: connections between universities, academia and business community", 29-30 septembrie, 2022, Chisinau, Moldova, Editura USM, p. 206.

463. DUCA, G., STURZA, R., COVALIOVA, O., COVACI, E., TAȘCA, C. The influence of bioactive additives on the process of alcoholic fermentation of waste biomas. In: Abstract Book of the 5th International Conference Modern Technology in the Food Industry - 2022, 20-22 october 2022, Chisinau, In Print.

462. BUNDUCHI, E., DUCA, Gh. The evaluation of redox self-purification processes of some natural waters. Abstr. In: The 7th International Conference: "Ecological and Environmental Chemistry-2022", March 3-4, 2022, 2022, 1, p. 126. DOI:

461. COVALIOV, V., COVALIOVA, O., DROVOSEKOV, A., DUCA, Gh., ROMANCIUC, L. Modified 3D-electrodes for the efficient hydrogen production. In: The 7th International Conference: "Ecological and Environmental Chemistry-2022", 3-4 March, 2022, Chisinau, Republic of Moldova, 2022, 1, p. 33. DOI:

460. DUCA, Gh., BOGDEVICH, O., NICOLAU, E. Persistent Organochlorine Pesticides and Their Impact on Human Health. In: The 7th International Conference: "Ecological and Environmental Chemistry-2022", 3-4 March, 2022, Chisinau, Republic of Moldova, 2022, 1, p. 194.

459. VICOL, C., GORINCIOI, E., BARBA, A., DUCA, Gh. Use of UV-Vis and NMR spectroscopies in studies of antioxidants' synergism involving ascorbic and dihydroxyfumaric acids. In: Rezumatele celei de-a XXXVI-a CONFERINŢE NAŢIONALE DE CHIMIE -CNChim-2022 CĂLIMĂNEŞTI - CĂCIULA, 4-7 octombrie, 2022, pag. 107.

458. DUCA, Gh. Fundamental Aspects of Ecological and Environmental Chemistry. In: Abstract Book of the 7th International Conference of Ecological and Environmental Chemistry, 3-4 March, 2022, Chisinau, Republic of Moldova, 2022, 1, pp. 28. DOI:

457. LIS, A., GLADCHI, V., DUCA, Gh. Fotoliza indirectă a acidului tioglicolic în sistemele acvatice. In: Integrare prin cercetare și inovare. Ştiinţe ale naturii și exacte. 10-11 noiembrie 2022, Chișinău. Chisinau, Republica Moldova: Centrul Editorial-Poligrafic al USM, 2022. În redacție

456. LIS, A., GLADCHI, V., DUCA, Gh., BUNDUCHI, E. The influence of glutathione on the self-purification capacity of aquatic systems. In: Ecological chemistry ensures a healthy environment. 16 septembrie 2022, Chisinau. Chişinău: Institute of Chemistry, 2022, p. 15.

455. BLONSCHI, V., GLADCHI, V., DUCA Gh. Estimarea proceselor de autopurificare a apelor nistrene în prezența compușilor tiolici (perioada anilor 2015-2021). В: Международная конференция «УПРАВЛЕНИЕ ТРАНСГРАНИЧНЫМ БАССЕЙНОМ ДНЕСТРА И ЕВРОИНТЕГРАЦИЯ – ШАГ ЗА ШАГОМ», Кишинев, Молдова, 27-28 октября 2022 г. Материалы Международной конференции, Chișinău: Eco-TIRAS, с. 27-31.

454. ЯЛТЫЧЕНКО, О.В., ДУКА, Г.Г., ГОРИНЧОЙ, Н.Н. Моделирование  кинетики  иммунной  реакции организма на вирусную нагрузку. In: The  13th  International  scientific  and  practical  conference  “Modern directions  of  scientific  research  development”, June  15-17,  2022, Chicago, USA. 2022, p. 65-70.

453. Bolocan N., Duca Gh. Keto-Enol Tautomerism and Geometrical Isomerism of Dihydroxyfumaric Acid. A DFT Study in Gas and Water. In: Abstract Book of the 7th International Conference of Ecological and Environmental Chemistry, 3-4 March, 2022, Chisinau, Republic of Moldova. Ed.: CEP MSU, 2022, 1, p. 212. -

452. Duca Gh., Bogdevich O., Nicolau E. Persistent Organochlorine Pesticides and Their Impact on Human Health. In: Abstract Book of the 7th International Conference of Ecological and Environmental Chemistry, 3-4 March, 2022, Chisinau, Republic of Moldova. Ed.: CEP MSU, 2022, 1, p. 194. -

451. Tasca C., Duca Gh., Covaci E. The Impact of Tomatin Bac on the Process of Alcoholic Fermentation of Cereal Biomas. In: Abstract Book of the 7th International Conference of Ecological and Environmental Chemistry, 3-4 March, 2022, Chisinau, Republic of Moldova. Ed.: CEP MSU, 2022, 1, p. 186. -

450. Pogrebnoi S., Eremia N., Bilan D., Lupascu L., Bolocan N., Duca Gh., Armasu S., Terteac D., Cebanu V., Tincu S., Znagovan A., Neicovcena I., Coseleva O., Slanina V., Macaev F. Propolis Extracts From Central Zone of Moldova as an Accessible and Alternative Therapeutic Raw Material. In: Abstract Book of the 7th International Conference of Ecological and Environmental Chemistry, 3-4 March, 2022, Chisinau, Republic of Moldova. Ed.: CEP MSU, 2022, p. 166. -

449. Vicol C., Morari B., Taran N., Duca Gh. Study of the Evolution of Popyphenolic Content and Antioxidant Acivity of Local Grape Varieties at Different Maturation Periods. In: Abstract Book of the 7th International Conference of Ecological and Environmental Chemistry, 3-4 March, 2022, Chisinau, Republic of Moldova. Ed.: CEP MSU, 2022, 1, p. 162. -

448. Lis A., Gladchi V., Duca Gh. Influance of H2O2 on Thiourea Photochemical Transformations in the Presence of Cu(II) and Fe(III) Ions in Aquatic Systems. In: Abstract Book of the 7th International Conference of Ecological and Environmental Chemistry, 3-4 March, 2022, Chisinau, Republic of Moldova. Ed.: CEP MSU, 2022, 1, p. 95. -

447. Shtamm E., Shvydkiy V., Baykova I., Duca Gh., Travin S. Detoxication and Disinfection Technlogies of Dangerous Chemical Substances (DCS) Used in Industry and Agriculture. In: Abstract Book of the 7th International Conference of Ecological and Environmental Chemistry, 3-4 March, 2022, Chisinau, Republic of Moldova. Ed.: CEP MSU, 2022, 1, p. 93. -

446. Yaltychenko O., Gorinchoy N., Duca Gh. Immune Response Modeling Under Viral Load. In: Abstract Book of the 7th International Conference of Ecological and Environmental Chemistry, 3-4 March, 2022, Chisinau, Republic of Moldova. Ed.: CEP MSU, 2022, 1, p. 73. -

445. Gorincioi E., Vicol C., Barba A., Duca Gh. 1h and 13C NMR Studies of Radical Scavenging Activities of Ascorbic acid and Galic Acid Using 1,1-Diphnyl-2-Picrylhydrazyl. In: Abstract Book of the 7th International Conference of Ecological and Environmental Chemistry, 3-4 March, 2022, Chisinau, Republic of Moldova. Ed.: CEP MSU, 2022, 1, p. 64. -

444. Gonta M., Duca Gh., Sirbu E., Robu S., Mocanu L. Synthesis of Quercetin Functionalized Chitozan and Determination of Antioxidant Properties. In: Abstract Book of the 7th International Conference of Ecological and Environmental Chemistry, 3-4 March, 2022, Chisinau, Republic of Moldova. Ed.: CEP MSU, 2022, 1, p. 61. -

443. Covaliov V., Covaliova O., Drovosekov A., Duca Gh., Romanciuc L. Modified 3d-Electrodes for the Efficient Hydrogen Production. In: Abstract Book of the 7th International Conference of Ecological and Environmental Chemistry, 3-4 March, 2022, Chisinau, Republic of Moldova. Ed.: CEP MSU, 2022, 1, p. 33. -

442. Gorinchoy N., Balan I., Gorbachev M., Arsene I., Polinger V., Duca Gh., Bersuker I. The h-Bond in Environmental Redox Processes as a Pseudo-Jahn-Teller Effect. In: Abstract Book of the 7th International Conference of Ecological and Environmental Chemistry, 3-4 March, 2022, Chisinau, Republic of Moldova. Ed.: CEP MSU, 2022, 1, p. 30. -

441. Duca Gh. Fundamental Aspects of Ecological and Environmental Chemistry. In: Abstract Book of the 7th International Conference of Ecological and Environmental Chemistry, 3-4 March, 2022, Chisinau, Republic of Moldova. Ed.: CEP MSU, 2022, 1, pp. 27-28. -

440. Bunduchi E., Gladchi V., Duca Gh. Formarea Competentelor Ambientale la Pregatirea Specialistilor din Domeniul Tehnologiei Chimice. In: Abstract Book of the 7th International Conference of Ecological and Environmental Chemistry, 3-4 March, 2022, Chisinau, Republic of Moldova. Ed.: CEP MSU, 2022, 2, p. 11. -


439. Duca Gh. Design of the Smart Objectives System in the Management of a Research Project. In: Lecture Notes on Data Engineering and Communications Technologies: Proceedings of the Fifteenth International Conference on Management Science and Engineering Management, 2-3 august 2021, Berlin, Germania, Vol. 79,  2021, pp. 452-462. DOI:,

438. Bolocan N., Duca Gh. DFT study of keto-enol tautomerism of dihidroxyfumaric acid in gas and water. In: Innovations and prospects of world science. Proceedings of the 1st International scientific and practical conference. Perfect Publishing. Vancouver, Canada, 2021, pp. 65-69.

437. Bolocan N., Duca Gh. Geometric isomerization of dihydroxyfumaric acid. A DFT study in gas and solvent (water). In: Modern directions of scientific research development. Proceedings of the 3rd International scientific and practical conference. BoScience Publisher. Chicago, USA, 2021, pp. 101-105.

437. Lis A., Gladchi V., Duca Gh. Influența substanțelor humice asupra fotolizei cisteinei și glutationului în sisteme acvatice. In: Materialele Conferinței naționale cu participare internatională “Integrare prin cercetare și inovare”, dedicată aniversării a 75-a a Universității de Stat din Moldova. Chișinău, Ediția 2021, 10-11 noiembrie 2021.

436. Лис А.C., Гладки В.И., Дука Г.Г. Влияние тиогликолевой кислоты и тиомочевины на процессы самоочищения водных систем. In: Материалы международной научной  конференции студентов, аспирантов и молодых учёных, Ломоносов-2021. Секция «Химия», 12-23 апреля, 2021. Москва, Московский Государственный Университет, Россия. ISBN 978-5-317-06593-5.

435. Ялтыченко О.В., Горинчой Н.Н., Дука Г.Г. Динамическое моделирование в эпидемиологии. Модель SEIR, расширенная на случай двух сценариев протекания вирусной инфекции. Proceedings of the 9th International scientific and practical conference “Fundamental and applied research in the modern world”, Boston, USA, 14-16 April 2021, стр.741-748., ISBN 978-1-73981-124-2.

434. Абрамов С.М., Дука Г.Г., Травин С.О. Модель упущенных возможностей - новый подход к мониторингу, анализу и прогнозу государственной статистики об эпидемии коронавируса в России. Доклад на общероссийском семинаре "Информатика, управление и системный анализ", Заседание №61, 20.04.2021, Москва, Российская Федерация. ОНИТ РАН доклад Модель упущенных возможностей .pptx?dl=0&fbclid=IwAR1gJGJd9JpzCg2TfbihVBYayaCD7fSsrOw3zKotQqe3TWAmMojAeSDL2Qg


433. Serotila I., Corlateanu-Granciuc S., Duca Gh., Spinei V. Science Governance in an Intertwined Historical Perspective of Moldo-Romania Academic Cooperation. The XIVth International Conference on Science Management and Engineering Management. 2020, July 31-August 1, Chisinau, Moldova/ ICMSEM Grand Prize Awarded.

432. Duca Gh., Travin.S. What is Effective Science management. Part 2. The XIVth International Conference on Science Management and Engineering Management. 2020, July 31-August 1, Chisinau, Moldova

431. Duca Gh., Travin.S. What is Effective Science management. Part 1. The XIVth International Conference on Science Management and Engineering Management. 2020, July 31-August 1, Chisinau, Moldova

430. Duca Gh., Nedealcov M., Gladchi V., Travin.S. Climatic Changes and Surface waters Quality on Republic of Moldova's Territory. The XIVth International Conference on Science Management and Engineering Management. 2020, July 31-August 1, Chisinau, Moldova

429. Duca Gh., Belostecinic G., Petrescu I., Dragomir C. Cultural, Phylosoficaland Psychological Approach. The XIVth  International Conference on Science Management and Engineering Management. 2020, July 31-August 1, Chisinau, Moldova

428. Mocanu L.; Duca Gh., Gomta M.; Matveevici V.; Porubin-Schimbator V.. Optimizarea Procesului de Oxidare Catalitica a Contaminantilor Emergenti Farmaceutici (Amoxicilina) in Solutie Apoasa. Conferinta Stiintifica Internationala: Perspectivele si Problemele Integrarii in Spatiul European al Cercetarii si Educatiei. 2020, Iunie 5, Cahul, Moldova

427. Blonschi V., Glaadchi V., Bunduchi E., Duca GHh. Dynamics of different sulfur forms in the waters of the Dniester river during the years 2015-2019. The IVth International Fair of Innovation and Creative Education for Youth (ICE-USV). 2020, 3-5.09.2020, Suceava, România.

426. Blonschi V., Glaadchi V., Bunduchi E., Duca GHh. Redox XSelf-Purification Processes of Natural Waters. The IVth  INTERNATIONAL EXHIBITION INVENTCOR. 2020, 17-19.12.2020, Deva, România.

425. Blonschi V., Glaadchi V., Bunduchi E., Duca GHh. Dynamics of different sulfur forms in the waters of the Dniester river during the years 2015-2019. The IVth  INTERNATIONAL EXHIBITION INVENTCOR. 2020, 17-19.12.2020, Deva, România.

424. Blonschi V., Glaadchi V., Bunduchi E., Duca GHh. Dynamics of different sulfur forms in the waters of the Dniester river during the years 2015-2019. Salonul de invenții: The 24th INTERNATIONAL EXHIBITION OF IN-VENTIONS INVENTICA 2020, 29.07-31.07.2020, Iași, România.

423. Blonschi V., Glaadchi V., Bunduchi E., Duca GHh. Methods of Estimating the Ecochemical State of Surface Waters. Salonul de invenții: The 24th INTERNATIONAL EXHIBITION OF IN-VENTIONS INVENTICA 2020, 29.07-31.07.2020, Iași, România.

422. Duca, Gh. participare la ședința ALLEA Board Meeting - ședința Bordului directorilir organizată on-line. 19 aprilie 2020. Comunicarea susținută privind expirarea mandatului de mebru Bordului Directorilor.

421. Duca Gh., Gladchi V., Bunduchu E.. Method of estimating the ecochemical state of surface waters Salonul de invenții EUROPEAN EXHIBITION OF CRE-ATIVITY AND INNOVATION EUROINVENT 2020, IAŞI - ROMANIA, XIIth Edition, 21th - 23th May 2020.. Proceedings of The 12th Edition of EUROINVENT EUROPEAN EXHIBITION OF CREATIVITY AND INNOVATION 2020 ONLINE EDITION. Editor: Andrei Victor SANDU, ISSN Print: 2601-4564, Online: 2601-4572, p. 181. Diplomă și Medalie de Aur.

420. Lupascu T., Lupascu L., Duca GH., Timbaliuc N..: Chlorinated tannins with antibacteriaol and antifungal properties / Salonul de invenții EUROPEAN EXHIBITION OF CREATIVITY AND INNOVATION EUROINVENT 2020, IAŞI - ROMANIA, XIIth Edition, 21th - 23th May 2020. Proceedings of The 12th Edition of EUROINVENT EUROPEAN EXHIBITION OF CREATIVITY AND INNOVATION 2020 ONLINE EDITION. Editor: Andrei Victor SANDU, ISSN Print: 2601-4564, Online: 2601-4572. Diplomă și Medalie de Aur.

419. Duca Gheorghe. The 14th International Conference on Management Science and Engineering Management, ICMSEM, Jul, 2020, Chisinau, Moldova/ Duca Gh.


418. Duca Gheorghe. The 13th International Conference on Management Science and Engineering Management, ICMSEM, Jul, 2019, Ontario, Canada/ Duca Gh.


417. Duca, Gheorghe. Intensified Water Treatment Methods / Gheorghe Duca, Olga Covaliova // The Tenth International Conference on Management Science and Engineering Management, Aug. 30-Sep. 2, 2016, Baku, Azerbaijan : Proceedings. - Berlin, Heidelberg : Springer, 2017. - P. 1041-1051. - (Ser. Advances in Intelligent Systems and Computing, Vol. 502). - doi: 10.1007/978-981-10-1837-4_86. -

416. Duca, Gheorghe. Solid Waste Management in the Republic of Moldova / Gheorghe Duca, Aliona Mereuţa // Proceedings of the Eleventh International Conference on Management Science and Engineering Management: ICMSEM 2017. Lecture Notes on Multidisciplinary Industrial Engineering. Cham: Springer, pp. 1283-1295. DOI

415. Duca, Gheorghe. Ecological and Environmental Chemistry / Gheorghe Duca // Ecological & Environmental Chemistry - 2017 : The 6th Intern. Conf., March 2-3, 2017 : Abstract Book. - Chișinău, 2017. - P. 11-20. - Bibliogr.: 29 tit.

414. Lis, Angela. Role of glutathione in the photochemical self-purification processes of water systems / Angela Lis, Viorica Gladchi, Gheorghe Duca // Ecological & Environmental Chemistry - 2017 : The 6th Intern. Conf., March 2-3, 2017 : Abstract Book. - Chișinău, 2017. - P. 53.

413. Gonta, Maria. Study the process of inhibition of indapamide nitrosation by dihydroxyfumaric acid - DNA co-polymer / Maria Gonta, Gheorghe Duca, E. Sirbu // Ecological & Environmental Chemistry - 2017 : The 6th Intern. Conf., March 2-3, 2017 : Abstract Book. - Chișinău, 2017. - P. 94.

412. Duca, Gheorghe. Pollution of the food chain and environment by phthalates from polymers materials / Gheorghe Duca, Rodica Sturza, Dmitri Lazakovich // Ecological & Environmental Chemistry - 2017 : The 6th Intern. Conf., March 2-3, 2017 : Abstract Book. - Chișinău, 2017. - P. 57.

411. Bunduchi, Elena. Chemical autopurification of active blue dye-polluted natural water / Elena Bunduchi, Viorica Gladchi, Gheorghe Duca // Ecological & Environmental Chemistry - 2017 : The 6th Intern. Conf., March 2-3, 2017 : Abstract Book. - Chișinău, 2017. - P. 69.

410. Racovita, Silvia. Participation on the anionic surfactants in photochemical transformation / Silvia Racovita, Gheorghe Duca, Viorica Gladchi // Ecological & Environmental Chemistry - 2017 : The 6th Intern. Conf., March 2-3, 2017 : Abstract Book. - Chișinău, 2017. - P. 82.

409. Dry periods impact on the surface water quality / Gheorghe Duca, Maria Nedealcov, Violeta Ivanov, Anatol Tăriță // Ecological & Environmental Chemistry - 2017 : The 6th Intern. Conf., March 2-3, 2017 : Abstract Book. - Chișinău, 2017. - P. 120.

408. Duca, Gheorghe. An Overview of Ecological Chemistry Conferences within 1985-2016 / Gheorghe Duca, Lidia Romanciuc // Ecological & Environmental Chemistry - 2017 : The 6th Intern. Conf., March 2-3, 2017 : Abstract Book. - Chișinău, 2017. - P. 21-28.

407. Comparative study of electrofloatation, coagulation, and electroflotocoagulation methods of plasticizers (DMPA) in the presence of textile dyes / Maria Gonța, Gheorghe Duca, Viorica Iambarțev, Vera Matveevici // Ecological & Environmental Chemistry - 2017 : The 6th Intern. Conf., March 2-3, 2017 : Abstract Book. - Chișinău, 2017. - P. 131.

406. Synthesis and molecular structure of methyl 6'-amino-5'-cyano-2-oxo-3'H-spiro[indoline-3,4'-pyrano[2,3-c]pyrazole]-3'-carboxylate / Dmitri Bilan, Elena Melnic, Victor Kravtsov, Gheorghe Duca, Fliur Macaev // Ecological & Environmental Chemistry - 2017 : The 6th Intern. Conf., March 2-3, 2017 : Abstract Book. - Chișinău, 2017. - P. 152.

405. Mocanu, Larisa. Catalytic oxidation of 2, 2 di (hydroxymethyl) propionic acid / Larisa Mocanu, Maria Gonța, Gheorghe Duca // Ecological & Environmental Chemistry - 2017 : The 6th Intern. Conf., March 2-3, 2017 : Abstract Book. - Chișinău, 2017. - P. 230.

404. Racovita, Silvia. Self-purification processes with radicals in the presence of anionic surfactants in aquatic environment / Silvia Racovita, Gheorghe Duca, Viorica Gladchi // Ecological & Environmental Chemistry - 2017 : The 6th Intern. Conf., March 2-3, 2017 : Abstract Book. - Chișinău, 2017. - P. 226.

403. Misco, Anastasia. The influence of tartaric acid on conformation and stability of human serum transferrin / Anastasia Misco, Lilia Anghel, Gheorghe Duca // Ecological & Environmental Chemistry - 2017 : The 6th Intern. Conf., March 2-3, 2017 : Abstract Book. - Chișinău, 2017. - P. 216.

402. Innovative processes of treating of the underground waters in drinking purposes / Tudor Lupascu, Raisa Nastas, Mihail Ciobanu, Victor Botan, Vasile Rusu, Gheorghe Duca // Ecological & Environmental Chemistry - 2017 : The 6th Intern. Conf., March 2-3, 2017 : Abstract Book. - Chișinău, 2017. - P. 98.

401.β-Cyclodextrin as eco-friendly soil remediation agent / Elena Ivancic, Albert Ivancic, Fliur Macaev, Gheorghe Duca // Ecological & Environmental Chemistry - 2017 : The 6th Intern. Conf., March 2-3, 2017 : Abstract Book. - Chișinău, 2017. - P. 164. -Bibliogr.: 8 tit.

400. New compounds for the environmental protection and for the human health obtained from the wine secondary products / Tudor Lupascu, Veaceslav Goncear, Gheorghe Duca, Lucian Lupascu, Nina Timbaliuc // Ecological & Environmental Chemistry - 2017 : The 6th Intern. Conf., March 2-3, 2017 : Abstract Book. - Chișinău, 2017. - P. 183.
Duca, Gheorghe. The management of solid water / Gheorghe Duca, Aliona Mereuta // Ecological & Environmental Chemistry - 2017 : The 6th Intern. Conf., March 2-3, 2017 : Abstract Book. - Chișinău, 2017. - P. 119.

399. Closed-cycle intensified technology for sustainable biochemical production of alternative fuels from agricultural wastes / Olga Covaliova, V. Covaliov, V. Bobeica, V, Nenno, Gh. Duca // Ecological & Environmental Chemistry - 2017 : The 6th Intern. Conf., March 2-3, 2017 : Abstract Book. - Chișinău, 2017. - P. 154-155.

398. Синтез амида L-лейцина с фрагментом этилтиоуреидофенил-1,3,4-оксадиазола / Ю.В. Бешляга, С.И. Погребной, Г.Г. Дука, Ф.З. Макаев // Достижения молодых ученых: химические науки : Третья Всероссийская молодежная конференция, 17-20 мая 2017. - Уфа, Россия, 2017, с. 70-71.


397.Gh.Duca, O.Covaliova.  Intensified Water Treatment methods. International Conf. on Management Science and Engineering Management (Baku, Azerbaijan, August 2016). Advances in Intelligent Systems and Computing, Springer-Verlag Berlin Heidelberg  2016, p. (in press).

396. Duca, Gheorghe. Science for Sustainable Development / Gheorghe Duca // Technology + Society = Future : Intern. Conf., Podgorica, Montenegro, May 19-20, 2016. –


395. Anghel, Lilia. Molecular Dynamics Simulations and Small Angle X-ray Scattering Analysis of Diferric Human Lactoferrin in Solution / Lilia Anghel, Raul Victor Erhan, Gheorghe Duca // Physical Methods in Coordination and Supramolecular Chemistry : The XVIIIth Intern. Conf. (Dedicated to the memory of the professor Constantin Turta and professor Mihail Revenco), 8-9 Oct. 2015 : book of abstr. – Ch., 2015. – P. 34.

394. Covaliova, Olga. Modification of TiO2 Particles Nanostructure for Photocatalytic Applications / Olga Covaliova, Victor Covaliov, Gheorghe Duca // Physical Methods in Coordination and Supramolecular Chemistry : The XVIIIth Intern. Conf. (Dedicated to the memory of the professor Constantin Turta and professor Mihail Revenco), 8-9 Oct. 2015 : book of abstr. – Ch., 2015. – P. 154.

393. Duca, Gheorghe. Interdisciplinary Centre for Environmental Study and Monitoring in Low Danube Region / Gh. Duca, E. Zubcov, O. Bogdevich // Environmental Challenges in Lower Danube Euroregion : Abstr. book conf., Univ. „Dunărea de Jos”. – Galaţi, 2015. – P. 25.

392. Duca, Gheorghe. Some Aspects of Sustainable Development in Lower Danube Region in the Context of Potential Prospection of Oil and Gas in the Republic of Moldova / Gh. Duca, I. Nicoara, C. Mogorici // Environmental Challenges in Lower Danube Euroregion : Abstr. book conf., Univ. „Dunărea de Jos”. – Galaţi, 2015. – P. 37.

391. Duca, Gheorghe. The Trends of Coordination Chemistry Development in the Republic of Moldova / Gheorghe Duca // Physical Methods in Coordination and Supramolecular Chemistry : The XVIIIth Intern. Conf. (Dedicated to the memory of the professor Constantin Turta and professor Mihail Revenco), 8-9 Oct. 2015 : book of abstr. – Ch., 2015. – P. 1.

390. Evaluarea capacităţii de nitrificare a ionilor Nh4+ (apa r. Lăpuşna) în prezenţa tartraţilor şi apa fl. Prut, pentru comparaţie / Nicolai Olarașu, Gheorghe Duca, Petru Chetruș, Maria Sandu // Integrare prin cercetare şi inovare : conf. şt. naţ. cu participare intern., 10-11 noiem. 2015 : Rez. comunic. : Ştiinţe ale naturii şi exacte. – Ch., 2015. – P. 114-116.

389. From natural compounds to their analogues with antituberculosis properties / S. Pogrebnoi, A. Ivancic, A. Uncu, V. Boldescu, Gh. Duca, L. Uncu, V. Valica, F. Macaev // Львівські хімічні читання – 2015 : П’ятнадцята наукова конф., Liviv, 24-27 mai 2015 : Plenary. – Liviv, 2015. – P. Y-6.

388. Kravtsov, V. Ch. Porous Structures Generated by Cluster Based Polymers or Discrete Binuclear Co(III) Bisdioximates / V. Ch. Kravtsov, Gh. Duca // Physical Methods in Coordination and Supramolecular Chemistry : The XVIIIth Intern. Conf. (Dedicated to the memory of the professor Constantin Turta and professor Mihail Revenco), 8-9 Oct. 2015 : book of abstr. – Ch., 2015. – P. 18.

387. A New Method of Cyancobalamin (Vitamin B12) Production and its Practical Uses / Olga Covaliova, Victor Covaliov, Gheorghe Duca, Vladimir Nenno, Valentin Bobeica // Physical Methods in Coordination and Supramolecular Chemistry : The XVIIIth Intern. Conf. (Dedicated to the memory of the professor Constantin Turta and professor Mihail Revenco), 8-9 Oct. 2015 : book of abstr. – Ch., 2015. – P. 155.

386. New synthesis and Anti-TB properties of ethyl 2-methyl-4-(2-oxo-2,3-dihydro-1H-indolyl)- 5-phenyl-1H-3-pyrrolecarboxylate / S. Pogrebnoi, S. Eftodii, N. Ciobanu, V. Crudu, Gh. Duca, F. Macaev // Львівські хімічні читання – 2015 : П’ятнадцята наукова конф., Liviv, 24-27 mai 2015 : Plenary. – Liviv, 2015. – P. Y-20.

385. New Technology and Modified Bioreactor Implementation for Winery Wastewater Treatment: a Case Study in Moldova / Victor Covaliov, Valentin Bobeica, Gheorghe Duca, Olga Covaliova, Vladimir Nenno, Dumitru Ungureanu // Sustainable Solutions to Wastewater Management: Maximizing the Impact of Territorial Co-Operation, Wastenet 2015 : 1st Intern. Sci. Conf., Kavala, Greece, 19-21 Jun. 2015 : Book of abstr. – Kavala, 2015. – P. 8.

384. Production of „Green energy” and useful products from agricultural wastes / Olga Covaliova, Victor Covaliov, Valentin Bobeica, Vladimir Nenno, Gheorghe Duca // CEI-JRC European Workshop on Advanced Biofuels, Biorefinery and Bio-Economy: a Challenge for Central and East European Countries, Bratislava, 25-27 Mar. 2015 : Book of abstr. – Bratislava, 2015. – P. 39.

383. Removal of Colorants, Surfactants and Ethylene Glycol by Means Electrofloatation, Photocatalytic Oxidation and Adsorbtion / M. Gonta, Gh. Duca, V. Matveevici, L. Mocanu, V. Iambartev // The Environment and The Industry: INCD ECOIND : Intern. Symp. – SIMI 2015, Bucharest, 29-30 Oct. 2015. – Bucharest, 2015. – P. 47- 48.

382. Şavga, Cristina. Functionalized Polymer Antioxidant Used in the Drug Nitrosation / Cristina Şavga, Gheorghe Duca, Maria Gonţa // Physical Methods in Coordination and Supramolecular Chemistry : The XVIIIth Intern. Conf. (Dedicated to the memory of the professor Constantin Turta and professor Mihail Revenco), 8-9 Oct. 2015 : book of abstr. – Ch., 2015. – P. 70.

381. The study of pollution sources for Water Management purposes in Republic of Moldova / Gh. Duca, T. Lupascu, O. Bogdevich, O. Cadocinicov, E. Culighin, E. Nicolau, T. Mitina, D. Izmailova, N. Bondarenco, M. Grigoras, D. Grigoras // The Environment and The Industry: INCD ECOIND : Intern. Symp. – SIMI 2015, Bucharest, 29 - 30 Oct. 2015. – Bucharest, 2015, – P. 30.

380.Получение и антитуберкулезная активность наноразмерной бинарной системы β-циклодекстрина с 1-(2-гидроксиэтил)-3-(4-[5-(2-оксо-2-фенилэтилтио)-1,3,4-оксадиазол-2-ил)фенил] тиомочевиной / А. Иванчик, В. Болдеску, А. Подгорный, С. Погребной, Г. Дука, С. Ефтодий, Н. Чебану, В. Круду, В. Валика, Ф. Макаев // Химия и медицина : IX Всероссийская конф. с молодежной научной школой, Новоабзаково, Россия, 31 мая - 6 июня 2015 г. : материалы. – Новоабзаково, 2015. – P. 156.

379. Шарагов, В. А. Влияние длительности одного травления на стабильность скорости HF- секционирования листового стекла / В. А. Шарагов, Г. Г. Дука, С. В. Райфура // Ştiinţa în nordul Republicii Moldova: realizări, probleme, perspective : conf. naţ. cu participare intern., Bălţi, 25-26 sept. 2015. – Bălţi, 2015. – P. 7-10. –


378. Anghel, Lilia. A Study of conformational dynamics of the human lactoferrin protein based on molecular dynamics simulations / Lilia Anghel, Raul Victor Erhan, Gheorghe Duca // The International Conference dedicated to the 55th anniversary from the foundation of the Institute of Chemistry of the Academy of Sciences of Moldova, 28-30 May 2014 : abstr. of communic. - Ch., 2014. - P. 51. -

377. Antimycitic polymer compounds of natamyci, dextran, copolymers of n-vinylpyrrolidone with acryloil chloride and spirulina plantensis / S. Robu, A. Ivancic, N. Lupol, V. Prisacari, Gh. Duca, A. Dizdari // Priorităţile Chimiei pentru o Dezvoltare Durabilă - PRIOCHEM : simp. intern., 30-31 oct. 2014. - Bucureşti, 2014. - P. 104.

376. Biosorption of zinc, chromium and nickel from wastewater by microalgae Spirulina platensis / I. Zinicovscaia, Gh. Duca, L. Cepoi, T. Chiriac, L. Rudi, T. Mitina, M. Frontasyeva, O. Culicov, E. Kirkesali, S. Pavlov, S. Gundorina, A. Akshintsev // 1st EuCheMS Congress on Green and Sustainable Chemistry, 13-15 Oct. 2013. - Budapest, 2014. - P. 44.

375. Boldescu, Veaceslav. Role of cyclodextrins in new anti-mycobacterial compounds / Veaceslav Boldescu, Fliur Macaev, Gheorghe Duca // The International Conference dedicated to the 55th anniversary from the foundation of the Institute of Chemistry of the Academy of Sciences of Moldova, 28-30 May 2014 : abstr. of communic. - Ch., 2014. - P. 31. -

374. Duca, Gheorghe. Factors, affecting the process of dealkalization of industrial glasses with fluorine- and chlorine-containing reagents / Gheorghe Duca, Vasilii Sharagov, Galina Curicheru // The International Conference dedicated to the 55th anniversary from the foundation of the Institute of Chemistry of the Academy of Sciences of Moldova, 28-30 May 2014 : abstr. of communic. - Ch., 2014. - P. 39. -

373. Duca, Gheorghe. Perspectives of Development of Chemistry in the Republic of Moldova / Gheorghe Duca // The International Conference dedicated to the 55th anniversary from the foundation of the Institute of Chemistry of the Academy of Sciences of Moldova, 28-30 May 2014 : abstr. of communic. - Ch., 2014. - P. 5-6. -

372. Free radicals of natural water and their influence in chemical transformation of dyes / Viorica Gladchi, Elena Bunduchi, Nelli Goreaceva, Gheorghe Duca, Nadejda Iovu // The International Conference dedicated to the 55th anniversary from the foundation of the Institute of Chemistry of the Academy of Sciences of Moldova, 28-30 May 2014 : abstr. of communic. - Ch., 2014. - P. 156. -

371. Natural chromophores obtained from red onion conjugated with supramolecular DNA structures with applications in biophotonics / A. Gonta, M. Gonta, Gh. Duca, I. Rau, A. Meghea, S. Robu, L. Mocanu, A. Sefer // The 4th International Workshop on Advanced, Nano- and Biomaterials and their Device Applications, 17-20 Sept. 2014. - Iaşi, 2014. - P. 40-41.

370. Polymeric preparations with active biological properties based on nitrofuran derivatives / Vitalie Filip, Raisa Popusoi, Gheorghe Duca, Viorel Prisacari, Stefan Robu // The International Conference dedicated to the 55th anniversary from the foundation of the Institute of Chemistry of the Academy of Sciences of Moldova, 28-30 May 2014 : abstr. of communic. - Ch., 2014. - P. 200. -

369. Quercetin extraction optimization and DNA-functionalized quercetin formation / Maria Gonţa, Gheorghe Duca, Ştefan Robu, Anna Sefer, Larisa Mocanu, Alexandru Gonţa, Aurelia Meghea, Ileana Rău // The International Conference dedicated to the 55th anniversary from the foundation of the Institute of Chemistry of the Academy of Sciences of Moldova, 28-30 May 2014 : abstr. of communic. - Ch., 2014. - P. 157. -

368. Redox Transformation Processes of the Reactive Blue Dye / Elena Bunduchi, Viorica Gladchi, Gheorghe Duca, Nelly Goreaceva, Maria Lutenco // The International Conference dedicated to the 55th anniversary from the foundation of the Institute of Chemistry of the Academy of Sciences of Moldova, 28-30 May 2014 : abstr. of communic. - Ch., 2014. - P.146. -

367. Spirulina platensis as Biosorbent of Zinc in Water / Inga Zinicovscaia, Gheorghe Duca, Valeriu Rudic, Liliana Cepoi, Tatiana Chiriac, Ludmila Rudi, Marina V. Frontasyeva, Sergey S. Pavlov, Svetlana F. Gundorina // The International Conference dedicated to the 55th anniversary from the foundation of the Institute of Chemistry of the Academy of Sciences of Moldova, 28-30 May 2014 : abstr. of communic. - Ch., 2014. - P. 191-192. - Bibliogr.: 7 tit. -

366. Study the process of inhibition of carcinogenic N-nitroso compounds by dihydroxyfumaric acid - DNA co-polymer / A. Gonta, M. Gonta, Gh. Duca, I. Rau, A. Meghea, C. Savga // The 4th International Workshop on Advanced, Nano- and Biomaterials and their Device Applications, 17-20 Sept. 2014. - Iaşi, 2014. - P. 70-71.

365. Şaragov, Vasilii. Identification of the dealkalization proces of container glass with fluorile-and chlorine-containg reagents using ir spectroscopy / Vasilii Sharagov, Gheorghe Duca, Galina Curicheru // 7th International Conference on Materials Science and Condensed Matter Physics (MSCMP 2014) dedicated to the 50th anniversary of the Inst. of Applied Physics of the Acad. of Sciences of Moldova, 16-19 Sept. 2014. - Ch., 2014. - P. 290.

364. Şaragov, Vasilii. Intensification of the dealkalization process of inorganic glasses with acid gases from the thermodynamic positions / Vasilii Sharagov, Gheorghe Duca, I. Burcovschi // 34th International Conference on Vacuum Microbalance and Thermoanalytical Techniques and International Conference Modern Problems of Surface Chemistry, 19-23 May 2014 : book of abstr. - Kyiv, 2014. - P. 168.

363. The Methodology for the Organization of Remote Groundwater Monitoring in Republic of Moldova / Gh. Duca, A. Sidorenko, O. Bogdevich, A. Vaseashta // Nuclear Radiation Nanosensors and Nanosensory Systems : Intern. conf. "Tbilisi-Spring-2014", advanced research workshop, Tbilisi, Georgia, 6-9 Mar. 2014. - Tbilisi, 2014. - P. 30-35.

362. Valorization of Salvia Sclarea Wastes. Efficient Synthesis of Sclareoloxide by Sclareol Ozonolysis in Aqueous Solvent System / P. Harghel, C. Rotaru, T. Sirbu, Gh. Duca, N. Ungur, V. Kulcitki // Phytochemicals in Medicine and Pharmacognosy : conf., 27-30 Apr. 2014 : book of abstr. - Piatra-Neamţ, 2014. - P. 38.


361. Crăciun, Alexandru. Tratarea cu radiaţii ultraviolete (UV) a aerului, admis în motorul cu ardere internă, în scopul reducerii emisiilor poluante în atmosferă / Alexandru Crăciun, Gheorghe Duca, Vladimir Ene // Sisteme de Transport şi Logistică : materiale conf., ed. a 4-a. - Ch., 2012. - P. 108-119. - Bibliogr.: 6 tit.


360. Compoziţia chimică a apelor afluenţilor Nistrului din dreapta şi impactul acestora asupra fluviului Nistru (Anul 2011) / Viorica Gladchi, Nelly Goreaceva, Gheorghe Duca, Elena Bunduchi, Olga Şurîghina // Interferenţe universitare - integrare prin cercetare şi inovare : Conf. şt. cu participare intern., 25-26 sept. 2012 : Rez. comunic. : Ştiinţe naturale, exacte şi inginereşti. - Ch., 2012. - P. 50-52. - Bibliogr.. 4 tit.

359. Duca, Gheorghe. Defectiveness and strength levels of sheet glass, subjected to thermochemical treatment with fluorine- and chlorinecontaining gases / Gheorghe Duca, Vasilii Sharagov // 6th International conference on materials sciences and condensed matter physics, 11-14 sept. 2012 : abstr. - Ch., 2012. - P. 125.

358. Duca, Gheorghe. The study of the phthalates removing process from alcoholic products / Gheorghe Duca, Rodica Sturza, Dmitri Lazakovich // Modern Technologies in the Food Industry-2012 (MTFI-2012) : Proc. of intern. conf., , 1-3 Nov. 2012. - Ch., 2012. - Vol. 2. - P. 239-243. - Bibliogr.: 7 tit.

357. Evaluarea proceselor de autopurificare chimică a unor afluenţi al fl. Nistru / Elena Bunduchi, Viorica Gladchi, Gheorghe Duca, Nelly Goreaceva, Radu Musteaţă // Interferenţe universitare - integrare prin cercetare şi inovare : Conf. şt. cu participare intern., 25-26 sept. 2012 : Rez. comunic. : Ştiinţe naturale, exacte şi inginereşti. - Ch., 2012. - P. 53-55. - Bibliogr.. 4 tit.

356. Godoroja, Marta. Importanţa aplicării fertilizanţilor cu azot pe solurile Republicii Moldova / Marta Godoroja, Gheorghe Duca // Chimia ecologică şi estimarea riscului chimic : conf. şt. rep. a tinerilor cercet., 7 dec. 2012, ed. a XII-a : rez. comunic. - Ch., 2012. - P. 36-37.

355. Новая концепция биогазовой технологии / В. В. Ковалев, О. В. Ковалева, В. А. Бобейка, В. Э. Ненно, Д. В. Унгуряну, И. Ионец, Г. Г. Дука // Interferenţe universitare - integrare prin cercetare şi inovare : Conf. şt. cu participare intern., 25-26 sept. 2012 : Rez. comunic. : Ştiinţe naturale, exacte şi inginereşti. - Ch., 2012. - P. 64-67.

354. Особенности современного гидрохимического режима устьевого участка реки Прут / Нелли Горячева, Виорика Гладкий, Георгий Дука, Елена Бундуки, Ольга Шурыгина // Interferenţe universitare - integrare prin cercetare şi inovare : Conf. şt. cu participare intern., 25-26 sept. 2012 : Rez. comunic. : Ştiinţe naturale, exacte şi inginereşti. - Ch., 2012. - P. 56-58.

353. DUCA, GH.; GONŢA, M.; LAZARI, N. Fotocatalytic degradation of dyes (direct red) and auxiliary compounds (etylenglycol) present in textile wasteeater. Book of abstracts, International" Eco Impuls 2012- Conference Environmental Research and Technology", October 25-26,p.43, 2012, Timisoara, Romania.

352. GONŢA, M.; DUCA, GH.; MATVEEVICI, V.; MOCANU, L.; IAMBARTEV, V. Treatment of textile wastewater containing direct and active dyes in the presence of anionic surfactants and Ethylene glycol. Simpozionul internaţional PRIORITĂŢILE CHIMIEI PENTRU O DEZVOLTARE DURABILĂ PRIOCHEM, ediţia a VIII-a, 25 - 26 octombrie 2012, p.80. Bucureşti - ROMÂNIA.

351. ANGHEL, L.; BALASOIU, M.; DUCA, G.G. et al. SAXS studies of biomineral particles produced by bacteria Klebsiella Oxytoca. In: The V-th International Conference-Symposium Ecological Chemistry-2012. Chişinău, Moldova, March, 02-03, 2012: Book of Abstracts, Ch., 2012, p. 105.

350. DRANCA, I.; LUPASCU, T.; DUCA, GH.; MAKAEV, F.; POVAR, I.; LISA, G. Thermal behavior of the polymers used for the water bottle and packing materials Manufacturing. In: The V-th Internaţional Conference "Ecological Chemistry", Chisinau, Moldova, 2-3 martie, 2012: Materialele conf., Ch., 2012, p. 113-114.

349. KALABEGISHVILI, T.L.; DUCA, GH.; ZINICOVSCAIA, I.; et al.; Mercury adsorption by Arthobacter globiformis and Spirulina platensis. In: The Vth International Conference-Symposium "Ecological Chemistry 2012, Chisinau, Moldova, March 2-3, 2012: Book of abstr., Ch., 2012, p. 90.

348. LUPASCU, T.; PETROV, N.; ŢIMBALIUC, N.; GONŢA, A.; DUCA, G. Study of antioxidant properties of the multifunctional product Enoxil. In: The V-th Internaţional Conference "Ecological Chemistry", Chisinau, Moldova, 2-3 martie, 2012: Materialele conf., Ch., 2012, p. 122.

347. LUPASCU, T.; ŢIMBALIUC, N.; DUCA, G. The quality and quantity of functional groups of the preparation Enoxil. In: The V-th Internaţional Conference "Ecological Chemistry", Chisinau, Moldova, 2-3 martie, 2012: Materialele conf., Ch., 2012, p. 121.

346. MARIN, I.; DUCA, GH.. Sybthesis and caracterisation of a new ruthenium complex having a 2,6-bis(4-methylquinolin-2-yl)pyridine ligand used for photocatalytical water splitting. In: The V-th Internaţional Conference "Ecological Chemistry", Chisinau, Moldova, 2-3 martie, 2012: Materialele conf., Ch., 2012, p. 123.

345. SÎRBU, T.; GOLOSOV, I.; UNGUR, N.; KULCIŢKI, V.; DUCA, Gh. Advanced oxidation processes based on ozonolysis. Application to renewable raw material processing. In: The V International Conference-Symposium Ecological Chemistry 2012, Chisinau, Republic of Moldova, March 2-3, 2012: Abstracts of communication, 2012, p. 96.

344. Gh. Duca, L. Anghel, M. Balasoiu, L. A. Ishchenko, S. V. Stolyar, T. S. Kurkin, A. V. Rogachev, A. I. Kuklin, Yu. S. Kovalev, Yu. L. Raikher, R. S. Iskhakov. Characterization of bio-synthesized nanoparticles produced by Klebsiella oxytoca, Journal of Physics, Conference series, Vol. I, SANS-YuMO User Meeting Conference, 27-30 Mai 2011

343. Advanced oxidation processes based on ozonolysis. Application to renewable raw material processing / T. Sîrbu, I. Golosov, N. Ungur, V. Kulciţki, Gh. Duca // Ecological Chemistry : The V Intern. Conf.-Symp., 60th Anniversary of Academician, Professor Gheorghe Duca dedicated, 2-3 March 2012 : Abstr. Book. - Ch., 2012. - P. 133.

342. Buffering capacity of waters of some tributaries of Dniester river / E. Bunduchi, A. Lis, N. Goreaceva, Gh. Duca, D. Gaz // Ecological Chemistry : The V Intern. Conf.-Symp., 60th Anniversary of Academician, Professor Gheorghe Duca dedicated, 2-3 March 2012 : Abstr. Book. - Ch., 2012. - P. 31-32.

341. Duca, Gheorghe. Chemistry VS Ecology / Gheorghe Duca // Ecological Chemistry : The V Intern. Conf.-Symp., 60th Anniversary of Academician, Professor Gheorghe Duca dedicated, 2-3 March 2012 : Abstr. Book. - Ch., 2012. - P. 11-12.

340. Duca, Gh. Full treatment of waste plastics with obtaining of new products / Gh. Duca, A. Mereuţa, V. Onica // Ecological Chemistry : The V Intern. Conf.-Symp., 60th Anniversary of Academician, Professor Gheorghe Duca dedicated, 2-3 March 2012 : Abstr. Book. - Ch., 2012. - P. 87.

339. Duca, Gh. The importance of modern analytical methods in monitoring of water quality and environmental condition / Gh. Duca, O. Bogdevich, D. Porubin // Ecological Chemistry : The V Intern. Conf.-Symp., 60th Anniversary of Academician, Professor Gheorghe Duca dedicated, 2-3 March 2012 : Abstr. Book. - Ch., 2012. - P. 38.

338. Duca, Gh. Investigation of the process of tartaric acid separation on amberlite XAD2 impregnated with amberlite LA-2 / Gh. Duca, N. Marchitan, A. Mereuţa // Ecological Chemistry : The V Intern. Conf.-Symp., 60th Anniversary of Academician, Professor Gheorghe Duca dedicated, 2-3 March 2012 : Abstr. Book. - Ch., 2012. - P. 86-87.

337. Intensification of methane production processes during fermentation of liquid wastes from wine making and alcohol distilleries / V. Covaliov, V. Bobeică, I. Senicovscaia, O. Covaliova, D. Ungureanu, V. Neno, Gh. Duca // Ecological Chemistry : The V Intern. Conf.-Symp., 60th Anniversary of Academician, Professor Gheorghe Duca dedicated, 2-3 March 2012 : Abstr. Book. - Ch., 2012. - P. 34-35.

336. Ivancic, A. Alginate-based nanoparticles in tuberculosis treatment / A. Ivancic, Gh. Duca, V. Boldescu // Ecological Chemistry : The V Intern. Conf.-Symp., 60th Anniversary of Academician, Professor Gheorghe Duca dedicated, 2-3 March 2012: Abstr. Book. - Ch., 2012. - P. 118-119.

335. Kinetic indicators based evaluation of water quality of some tributaries of Dniester river / E. Bunduchi, V. Gladchi, Gh. Duca, N. Goreaceva // Ecological Chemistry: The V Intern. Conf.-Symp., 60th Anniversary of Academician, Professor Gheorghe Duca dedicated, 2-3 March 2012 : Abstr. Book. - Ch., 2012. - P. 32.

334. Lupaşcu, T. The quality and quantity of functional groups of the preparation Enoxil / T. Lupaşcu, N. Ţîmbaliuc, Gh. Duca // Ecological Chemistry : The V Intern. Conf.-Symp., 60th Anniversary of Academician, Professor Gheorghe Duca dedicated, 2-3 March 2012 : Abstr. Book. - Ch., 2012. - P. 121-122.

333. Marin, I. Synthesis and characterization of a new ruthenium complex having 2,6-bis(4-methylquinolin-2-yl)pyridine ligand used for photocatalytical water splitting / I. Marin, Gh. Duca // Ecological Chemistry : The V Intern. Conf.-Symp., 60th Anniversary of Academician, Professor Gheorghe Duca dedicated, 2-3 March 2012 : Abstr. Book. - Ch., 2012. - P. 123.

332. Mercury adsorption by Arthobacter globiformis and Spirulina platensis / T. L. Kalabegishvili, I. Murusidze, D. T. Pataraya, E. Ginturi, M. V. Frontasyeva, E. I. Kirkesali, Gh. Duca, I. Zinicovscaia // Ecological Chemistry : The V Intern. Conf.-Symp., 60th Anniversary of Academician, Professor Gheorghe Duca dedicated, 2-3 March 2012 : Abstr. Book. - Ch., 2012. - P. 90.

331. Osipov, I. Photo-cleaning surface adsorber dicarboximide fungicides / I. Osipov, Gh. Duca // Ecological Chemistry : The V Intern. Conf.-Symp., 60th Anniversary of Academician, Professor Gheorghe Duca dedicated, 2-3 March 2012 : Abstr. Book. - Ch., 2012. - P. 127.

330. Peculiarities of migration of metals in Dniester waters / R. Borodaev, Gh. Duca, N. Goreacheva, V. Gladchi, L. Romanciuc // Ecological Chemistry : The V Intern. Conf.-Symp., 60th Anniversary of Academician, Professor Gheorghe Duca dedicated, 2-3 March 2012 : Abstr. Book. - Ch., 2012. - P. 31.

329. SAXS studies of biomineral particles produced by bacteria Klebsiella oxytoca / M. Balasoiu, L. Anghel, L. A. Ishchenko, S. V. Stolyar, A. V. Rogachev, A. I. Kuklin, Yu. L. Raikher, R. S. Iskhakov, G. M. Arzumanian, G. G. Duca // Ecological Chemistry : The V Intern. Conf.-Symp., 60th Anniversary of Academician, Professor Gheorghe Duca dedicated, 2-3 March 2012 : Abstr. Book. - Ch., 2012. - P. 105.

328. Study of antioxidant properties of the multifunctional product Enoxil / T. Lupaşcu, N. Petrov, N. Ţîmbaliuc, A. Gonţa, Gh. Duca // Ecological Chemistry : The V Intern. Conf.-Symp., 60th Anniversary of Academician, Professor Gheorghe Duca dedicated, 2-3 March 2012 : Abstr. Book. - Ch., 2012. - P. 122.

327. Thermal behavior of the polymers used for the water bottle and packing materials manufacturing / I. Dranca, T. Lupascu, Gh. Duca, F. Makaev, I. Povar, G. Lisa // Ecological Chemistry : The V Intern. Conf.-Symp., 60th Anniversary of Academician, Professor Gheorghe Duca dedicated, 2-3 March 2012 : Abstr. Book. - Ch., 2012. - P. 113-114. - Bibliogr.: 8 tit.


326. Study of processes of groundwater treatment from hydrogen sulfide / T. Lupascu, R. Nastas, V. Rusu, Gh. Duca // 6th International Conference on Environmental Engineering and Management ICEEM-06, 1-4 Sept. 2011. - Balatonalmádi (Hungary), 2011. - P. 103-104.

325. Treatment of textile wastewater containing direct dyes in presence of anionic surfactants / M. Gonţa, Gh. Duca, V. Matveevici, L. Mocanu / The Environment and Industy: SIMI-2011 : Intern. Symp., 16-18 Nov. 2011 : Book of proc. - Bucharest, 2011.

324. Duca, Gheorghe. Cuvânt introductiv la conferinţa ştiinţifică „20 de ani de la proclamarea independenţei Republicii Moldova" / Gheorghe Duca // Revista de Istorie a Moldovei. - 2011. - Nr 3/4. - P. 123-127

323. Пространственно-временная изменчивость ионного состава молдавского участка среднего Днестра / Н. В. Горячева, В. И. Гладкий, Г. Г. Дука, Е. Г. Бундуки, О. Шурыгина // Екологiчнi проблеми Чорного моря : зб. докл. мiжнар. наук.-практ. конф., 27-28 жовтня 2011. - Одеса, 2011. - Р. 270-273.

322. New derivatives of dihydroxyfumaric acid with potential use in antiradicalic applications / N. Secara, L. Bets, Gh. Duca, L. Vlad, F. Macaev // Новые материалы, химические технологии и реагенты для промышленности, медицины и сельского хозяйства на основе нефтехимического и возобновляемого сырья : Всероссийская науч.-практ. конф. с междунар. участием, Уфа, Россия, 25-26 февр. 2011. - Уфа, 2011. - P. 253-256.

321. Duca, Gh. Investigation of Phthalates Contents in Wine and Other Alcoholic Beverages Using Gas-Chromatography with Mass-Spectrometric Detection / Gh. Duca, R. Sturza, D. Lazakovich // Geo-ecological monitoring and risk of administrative region Intern. conf., 27-29 Sept. 2011, Yerevan-Sevan, Armenia. - Yerevan, 2011. - P. 35-36. -

320. Monitoring of Phthalate Content Levels in Moldavian Wine / Gheorghe Duca, Rodica Sturza, Boris Gaina, Dmitri Lazacovici // 34th World Congress of Vine and Wine, Porto, Portugal, 20-28 June 2011 : proceedings. - Porto, 2011.

319. Determination of the phthalates content levels in alcoholic beverages by gas chomatographymass spectrometry : [materials of Intern. conf. Food Science, Engineering and Technologies 2011, Plovdiv, Bulgaria, 14-15 Oct. 2011] / Gheorghe G. Duca, Rodica A. Sturza, Boris S. Gaina, Dmitri V. Lazakovich // Scientific Works / Univ. of Food Technologies. - Plovdiv, 2011. - Vol. 58, Nr 1. - P. 433-438.

318. Duca, Gheorghe. From a strong partnership to a joint policy platform: ways of strengthening EU-EECA S&T policy dialogue [Resursă electronică] / Gheorghe Duca // EU- Eastern Europe/Central Asia Cooperation in Research & Innovation: The way towards 2020 : Intern. conf., Warsaw, Poland, 15-16 Nov. 2011. -

317. Duca, Gheorghe. Studying of phthalates analysis techniques in wine products / Gheorghe Duca, Rodica Sturza, Dmitri Lazacovich // Vinul în mileniul III - probleme actuale în vinificaţie : conf. şt.-practică, 24-25 noiem. 2011. - Ch., 2011. - P. 162-167.

316. Duca, Gheorghe. Ştiinţa şi inovarea: pilonii dezvoltării durabile a economiei / Gheorghe Duca // Cercetarea şi inovarea în parteneriat cu mediul de afaceri : conf. naţ., 10 noiem. 2011. - Ch., 2011. - P. 12-14.

315. Duca, Gheorghe. Innovational Entrepreneurship as a prerequisite for a knowledge based economy [Resursă electronică] / Gheorghe Duca // Research & Development as the Basis for Innovation in Creating the Competitive Region : Intern. Sci. Conf., Podgorica, Montenegro, 12-13 Nov. 2010. -

314. Duca, Gheorghe. Eco-Innovation in the context of regional cooperation (RO-MD-UA case) [Resursă electronică] / Gheorghe Duca // Promoting Eco-Innovation: Policies and Opportunities : Intern. conf., Tel Aviv, Israel, 11-13 July 2011. –

313. Duca, Gheorghe. The National Program „Clean Water” in the Republic of Moldova / Gheorghe Duca // Environmental Capacity Building : program & proc. of the Intern. conf., Bucharest, Romania, 11-13 Nov. 2011. – Constanţa, 2011.

312. Дука, Г. Г. Вклад науки и образования в инновации : [материалы совместного заседания Совета Евразийской ассоциации университетов и Совета Международной ассоциации академий наук «Образование и наука в решении задач инновационного развития на пространстве СНГ»] [Resursă electronică] / Г. Г. Дука // Бюл. / Международная Ассоциация Академий Наук. Киев, 2011. – Nr 55. P. 61-64. –

311. The pollution sources by old pesticides in Moldova [Resursă electronică] / Gheorghe Duca, Oleg Bogdevich, Oleg Cadocinicov, Diana Porubin // 6th International Conference on Environmental Engineering and Management ICEEM-06, Balatonalmádi, Hungary, 1-4 Sept. 2011. –

310. Capacitatea de autopurificare a apelor unor afluenţi ai fl. Nistru evaluată în baza indicatorilor cinetici / Elena Bunduchi, Viorica Gladchi, Gheorghe Duca, Nelly Goreaceva // Creşterea impactului cercetării şi dezvoltarea capacităţii de inovare : conf. şt. cu participare intern. dedicată aniversării 65 de la fondarea Univ. de Stat din Moldova, 21-22 sept. 2011 : Rez. comunic. : Ştiinţe ale naturii şi exacte. - Ch., 2011. - Vol. 2. - P. 5-7. - Bibliogr.: 4 tit.

309. Duca, Gheorghe. Democraţia, o lungă bătălie : [discurs ţinut în deschiderea Conf. şt. „20 de ani de la proclamarea Independenţei Republicii Moldova", 24 aug. 2011] / Gheorghe Duca // Akademos : revistă de Ştiinţă, Inovare, Cultură şi Artă. - 2011. - Nr 3. - P. 5-7.

308. Metode de obţinere a remediilor antituberculoase vectorizate / Albert Ivancic, Gheorghe Duca, Veaceslav Boldescu // Creşterea impactului cercetării şi dezvoltarea capacităţii de inovare : conf. şt. cu participare intern. dedicată aniversării 65 de la fondarea Univ. de Stat din Moldova, 21-22 sept. 2011 : : Rez. comunic. : Ştiinţe ale naturii şi exacte. - Ch., 2011. - Vol. 2. - P. 17-20. - Bibliogr.: 11 tit.

307. Новая стратегия «Более чистоe производствo» в процессах биогазовой технологии / В. В. Ковалёв, В. А. Бобейкэ, О. В. Ковалёва, Д. В. Унгуряну, В. Э. Ненно, И. А. Сеньковская, Г. Г. Дука // Creşterea impactului cercetării şi dezvoltarea capacităţii de inovare : conf. şt. cu participare intern. dedicată aniversării 65 de la fondarea Univ. de Stat din Moldova, 21-22 sept. 2011 : Rez. comunic. : Ştiinţe ale naturii şi exacte. - Ch., 2011. - Vol. 2. - P. 14-17.

306. Capacitatea de autopurificare a apelor unor afluenţi ai fl. Nistru evaluată în baza indicatorilor cinetici / Elena Bunduchi, Viorica Gladchi, Gheorghe Duca, Nelly Goreaceva // Creşterea impactului cercetării şi dezvoltarea capacităţii de inovare : conf. şt. cu participare intern. dedicată aniversării 65 de la fondarea Univ. de Stat din Moldova, 21-22 sept. 2011 : Rez. comunic. : Ştiinţe ale naturii şi exacte. - Ch., 2011. - Vol. 2. - P. 5-7. - Bibliogr.: 4 tit.

305. Metode de obţinere a remediilor antituberculoase vectorizate / Albert Ivancic, Gheorghe Duca, Veaceslav Boldescu // Creşterea impactului cercetării şi dezvoltarea capacităţii de inovare : conf. şt. cu participare intern. dedicată aniversării 65 de la fondarea Univ. de Stat din Moldova, 21-22 sept. 2011 : : Rez. comunic. : Ştiinţe ale naturii şi exacte. - Ch., 2011. - Vol. 2. - P. 17-20. - Bibliogr.: 11 tit.

304. Новая стратегия «Более чистоe производствo» в процессах биогазовой технологии / В. В. Ковалёв, В. А. Бобейкэ, О. В. Ковалёва, Д. В. Унгуряну, В. Э. Ненно, И. А. Сеньковская, Г. Г. Дука // Creşterea impactului cercetării şi dezvoltarea capacităţii de inovare : conf. şt. cu participare intern. dedicată aniversării 65 de la fondarea Univ. de Stat din Moldova, 21-22 sept. 2011 : Rez. comunic. : Ştiinţe ale naturii şi exacte. - Ch., 2011. - Vol. 2. - P. 14-17.

303. Бревиколлин-основание - о некоторых изменениях в методе получения / Ф. Г. Шепель, Ф. З. Макаев, М. Звягинцева, О. Шепель, Н. Сукман, В. Болдеску, Г. Дука // Биотехнология и биомедицинская инженерия : сб. материалов IV Всероссийской науч.-практ. конф. с междунар. участием. - Курск, 2011. - Р. 99-100. -

302. Duca, Gheorghe. Sugestii privind eficientizarea managementului sferei ştiinţei şi inovării / Gheorghe Duca // Probleme actuale ale organizării şi autoorganizării sistemului de cercetare-dezvoltare în Republica Moldova : materialele conf. şt., 8 apr. 2011. Ch., 2011. – P. 9-12.

301. Duca, Gheorghe. Synergetical paradigm of research and innovation system in Republic of Moldova in condition of European integration / Gheorghe Duca, Anatol Rotaru, Oleg Bujor // Probleme actuale ale organizării şi autoorganizării sistemului de cercetare-dezvoltare în Republica Moldova : materialele conf. şt., 8 apr. 2011. Ch., 2011. – P. 13-58.

300. Photo-cleaning surface adsorbed organic pollutans / Ivan Osipov, Isabel Ferreira Machado, Gheorghe duca, Igor V. Khmeliniskii, Luis F. Vieira Ferreira, Jose P. Da Silva // 10th National Meeting on Photochemistry, 9-10 December 2010: Book of Abstracts - Reitoria da Universidade do Porto, Portugal, p. 64.


299. Sharagov V., Duca G. Sheet glass strength levels, thermochemically treated with difluorodichloromethane. Bok of abstracts. // XXII International Congress son Glass. Bania, Brazil. 2010. -p. 70. ISSN 2178-5619

298. Duga G. Sharagov V. Characteristics of the surface layers of industrial glasses, theermochimically dealkalized with acid gases. Book of abstracts. // XXII International Congress son Glass. Bania, Brazil. 2010. -p. 128. ISSN 2178-5619

297. Duca G. Sharagov V. Interaction of sheet glass with acid gases in the electric field. 5th International Conference on materials science and condensed mater physics and symposium "Electrical methods of materials treatment" in memoriam of acad. Boris Lazarenco. 2010. Chisinau, Moldova. p. 244. ISBN 978-9975-66-190-4

296. Кинетические показатели вод среднего Днестра. / Горячева Н., Гладкий В., Бундуки Е., Дука Г., Романчук Л. / Экологические проблемы Черного моря. Сборник научных статей, Международная научно-практическая конференция, Одесса - 28-29 октября 2010.-Одесса: ЦНТЭПИ ОНЮА, 2010 – С. 35.

295. Impactul petrolului asupra societăţii umane şi a mediului ambiant. / Godoroja M., Duca Gh. / Chimia ecologică şi estimarea riscului chimic, conf.şt.rep. a tinerilor cercet. 2010, 11, 78 – 79. ISBN 978- 9975- 71– 022-0.

294. Влияние притоков на качество вод Днестра / V.Gladchi, G.Duca, N.Goreaceva, E.Bunduchi, O.Shurighina , A.Lis, L.Romanciuc. // Екологичны проблемы Чорного моря. Збiрник наукових статей, Мiжнародна науково-практична конференцiя, Одесса 28-29 cентября 2010.

293. Intensive fermentation of wastes water high yield of methane and biochemical syntesis of supplement to cattle forage with the contets of proteins and vitamin “B”. / Covaliov V., Duca Gh. // Catalogul official: The XIV-th Salonul Internaţional Exibition of Reasearch, Innovation and Tehnological Transfer „INVENTICA-2010”, Iaşi, Romania, 9-11 iunie 2010.

292. Комплексная переработка трудно утилизируемых отходов свиноводства с получением очищенного метана из биогаза для когенерации тепловой и электрической энергии, комбинированных органо-минеральных удобрений и очищенной воды для ирригации/ Ковалев В., Унгуряну Д., Дука Г., Ковалева О., Михайленко А., Ненно В., Харя В., Кликич И.// Оф. Каталог Х111 Московского Международного салона промышленной собственности «АРХИМЕД», апр. 2010.


291. Duca G., Sharagov V. The dependence of the physical, and chemical properties of glass on the composition and structure of its surface layers, dealkalized with acid gases. Book of abstracts // International Conference dedicated to the 50th anniversary from the foundation of the Institute of Chemistry of the Academy of Sciences of Moldvoa. Chisinau. 2009, p. 214. ISBN 978-99975-62-258-5.

290. Дука Г.Г., Шарагов В.А. Виявлення структурних змiн в вилужених поверхневих шарах листового скла за допомогою IЧ спектроскопiï // Матерiали Мiжнародноï науково-практичноï конференцiï "Структурна релаксацiя у твердих тiлах". Вiнниця, 2009. С. 82-84

289. Catalitic oxidation of active colorants / Gheorghe Duca, Vera Matveevici, Maria Gonţa, Veronica Iambarţev, T. Isac, L. Mocanu // International Conference dedicated to the 50th aniversary from the foundation of the Institute of Chemistry of the Academy of Sciences of Moldova, 26-28 May 2009 : book of abstr. – Chişinău, 2009. – P. 227.

288. Chemical regime of Dniester tributaries in spring period of the year 2009 / Viorica Gladchi, Nelly Goreaceva, Gheorghe Duca, Elena Bunduchi, Ruslan Borodaev, Lilia Anghel, O. Şurîgina, A. Lis // International Conference dedicated to the 50th aniversary from the foundation of the Institute of Chemistry of the Academy of Sciences of Moldova, 26-28 May 2009 : book of abstr. – Chişinău, 2009. – P. 180.

287. Decrease of the direct colorants concentration in the textile waste waters / Gheorghe Duca, Vera Matveevici, Maria Gonţa, Veronica Iambarţev, L. Mocanu // International Conference dedicated to the 50th aniversary from the foundation of the Institute of Chemistry of the Academy of Sciences of Moldova, 26-28 May 2009: book of abstr. – Chişinău, 2009. – P. 226.

286. Duca, Gheorghe. Catalytic oxidation and oxidation involving free radicals of the hydroquinone and acid glioxalic in the aquatic environment / Gheorghe Duca, Elena Bunduchi, Viorica Gladchi // International Conference dedicated to the 50th aniversary from the foundation of the Institute of Chemistry of the Academy of Sciences of Moldova, 26-28 May 2009 : book of abstr. – Chişinău, 2009. – P. 177.

285. Duca, Gheorghe. Complimentary address / Gheorghe Duca // Protecţia plantelor – Realizări şi perspective : simpoz. şt. intern., 19-22 oct. 2009. – Ch., 2009. – P. 3-4. – (Информ. бюл. ВПРС МОББ; 40).

284. Duca, Gheorghe. The dependence of the physical and chemical properties of glass on the composition and structure of its surface layers, dealkalized with acid gases / Gheorghe Duca, Vasilii Sharagov // International Conference dedicated to the 50th aniversary from the foundation of the Institute of Chemistry of the Academy of Sciences of Moldova, 26-28 May 2009 : book of abstr. – Chişinău, 2009. – P. 214.

283. Duca, Gheorghe. Development of ecological chemistry in Moldova / Gheorghe Duca // International Conference dedicated to the 50th aniversary from the foundation of the Institute of Chemistry of the Academy of Sciences of Moldova, 26-28 May 2009 : book of abstr. – Chişinău, 2009. – P. 12.

282. Duca, Gheorghe. Pharmaceuticals and Personal Care Products in the Environment / Gheorghe Duca, Veaceslav Boldescu // The Role of Ecological Chemistry in Pollution Research and Sustainable Development : Proc. of the NATO Advanced Research Workshop, Chisinau, Moldova, 8-11 October 2008 / ed. by Ali Müfit Bahadir, Gheorghe Duca. – Dordrecht, 2009. – P. 27-35. –

281. Duca, Gheorghe. Prefaţă / Gheorghe Duca // Protecţia plantelor – Realizări şi perspective : simpoz. şt. intern., 19-22 oct. 2009. – Ch., 2009. – P. 3-4. – (Информ. бюл. ВПРС МОББ; 40).

280. Duca, Gheorghe. Processing and Valorization of Secondary Winery Products / Gheorghe Duca, Maria Gonţa, Aliona Mereuţa // The Role of Ecological Chemistry in Pollution Research and Sustainable Development : Proc. of the NATO Advanced Research Workshop, Chisinau, Moldova, 8-11 October 2008 / ed. by Ali Müfit Bahadir, Gheorghe Duca. – Dordrecht, 2009. – P. 197-207. –

279. Influenţa fotolizei unor pesticide asupra desfăşurării proceselor de autoepurare prin radicali / Lilia Anghel, Gheorghe Duca, Viorica Gladchi, Elena Bunduchi // Cercetare şi inovare – perspective de evoluţie şi integrare europeană: Ştiinţe reale şi exacte : rez. comunic. conf. şt. a masteranzilor şi doctoranzilor, 23 sept. 2009 / Univ. de Stat din Moldova. – Ch., 2009. – P. 53-54.

278. Middle Dniester, the biogenic elements regime in river waters / Viorica Gladchi, Nelly Goreaceva, Gheorghe Duca, Elena Bunduchi, Lidia Romanciuc, Igor Mardari // International Conference dedicated to the 50th aniversary from the foundation of the Institute of Chemistry of the Academy of Sciences of Moldova, 26-28 May 2009 : book of abstr. – Chişinău, 2009. – P. 179.

277. Photo-degradation of thiolic substances in aquatic environment / Gheorghe Duca, Viorica Gladchi, Nelly Goreaceva, Elena Bunduchi, Lidia Romanciuc // International Conference dedicated to the 50th aniversary from the foundation of the Institute of Chemistry of the Academy of Sciences of Moldova, 26-28 May 2009 : book of abstr. – Chişinău, 2009. – P. 181.

276. Photolysis of pesticides hexachlorocyclohexan and phozalon in aquatic environment / Viorica Gladchi, Elena Bunduchi, Gheorghe Duca, Nelly Goreaceva, Lilia Anghel // International Conference dedicated to the 50th aniversary from the foundation of the Institute of Chemistry of the Academy of Sciences of Moldova, 26-28 May 2009 : book of abstr. – Chişinău, 2009. – P. 176.

275. The photolysis of some direct azo-colorants in homogenous system / Vera Matveevici, T. Isac, Maria Gonţa, Veronica Iambarţev, L. Mocanu, Gheorghe Duca // International Conference dedicated to the 50th aniversary from the foundation of the Institute of Chemistry of the Academy of Sciences of Moldova, 26-28 May 2009: book of abstr. – Chişinău, 2009. – P. 184.

274. Secară, Natalia. Trimethylsilyl chloride catalized methoxy-dehydroxylation of the dihidroxyfumaric acid / Natalia Secară, Gheorghe Duca, F. Macaev // International Conference dedicated to the 50th aniversary from the foundation of the Institute of Chemistry of the Academy of Sciences of Moldova, 26-28 May 2009: book of abstr. – Chişinău, 2009. – P. 213.

273. The synthesis of 4-N,N- Diaryl(dialkyl)amino-4’-isothiocyanatochalcone / I. Marin, D. Sîrbu, A. Popuşoi, N. Barbă, C. Turtă, Gh. Duca // International Conference dedicated to the 50th aniversary from the foundation of the Institute of Chemistry of the Academy of Sciences of Moldova, 26-28 May 2009 : book of abstr. – Chişinău, 2009. – P. 146.

272. Water Quality Monitoring and Management in Moldova / Lidia Romanciuc, Viorica Gladchi, Nelly Goreaceva, Elena Bunduchi, Gheorghe Duca // The Role of Ecological Chemistry in Pollution Research and Sustainable Development : Proc. of the NATO Advanced Research Workshop, Chisinau, Moldova, 8-11 October 2008 / ed. by Ali Müfit Bahadir, Gheorghe Duca. – Dordrecht, 2009. – P. 57-64. –

271. Боярский, В. П. Расчет каталитического цикла реакции кобальткатализируемого карбонилирования / В. П. Боярский, Г. Г. Дука, И. А. Боярская // XXIV Международная Чугаевская конференция по координационной химии и Молодежная конференция-школа «Физико-химические методы в химии координационных соединений», 15-19 июня 2009 : тезисы докл. – Санкт-Петербург, 2009. – Р. 546. – Bibliogr. : 4 tit.

270. Инновационные достижения в биогазовой технологии / Виктор Ковалев, Виталий Жалбэ, Ольга Ковалева, Георге Дука, Дмитрий Унгуряну // Probleme teoretice şi practice ale economiei proprietăţii intelectuale : comunic. prezentate la ed. a VII-a a conf. int., şt.-practice (27-28 noiemb. 2008). – Ch., 2009. – P. 152-156.

269. Конкуренция двух возможных путей образования продукта реакции кобальткатализируемого карбонилирования арилгалогенидов / В. П. Боярский, Ю. М. Чумаков, И. А. Боярская, Ю. А. Симонов, Г. Г. Дука // XXIV Международная Чугаевская конференция по координационной химии и Молодежная конференция-школа «Физико-химические методы в химии координационных соединений», 15-19 июня 2009 : тезисы докл. – Санкт-Петербург, 2009. – Р. 547-548. – Bibliogr. : 4 tit.

268. Механизм фотолиза карбоксилатных комплексов Fe(III) в водных растворах / И. П. Поздняков, Е. М. Глебов, В. П. Гривин, В. Ф. Плюснин, Ч. Джанг, В. Фенг, Д. Наншенг, Е. Бундуки, Г. Г. Дука // XXIV Международная Чугаевская конференция по координационной химии и Молодежная конференция-школа «Физико-химические методы в химии координационных соединений», 15-19 июня 2009 : тезисы докл. – Санкт-Петербург, 2009. – Р. 459.

267. Особенности поведения S-метилизотиосемикарбазона салицилового альдегида в комплексах палладия(II) / П. И. Бульмага, П. Н. Боурош, Г. Г. Дука, В. Ю. Кукушкин, Е. И. Жора, М. Гданец, М. Д. Ревенко, Ю. А. Симонов // XXIV Международная Чугаевская конференция по координационной химии и Молодежная конференция-школа «Физико-химические методы в химии координационных соединений», 15-19 июня 2009 : тезисы докл. – Санкт-Петербург, 2009. – Р. 28-29.


266. Boldescu, Veaceslav. Cyclodextrin based supramolecular complexes of sanguinarine / Veaceslav Boldescu, Gheorghe Duca // Supramolecular and Nanochemistry: Toward Applications: First Intern. Symp., Kharkov, Ukraine, 25-29 Aug. 2008: book of abstr. – Kharkov, 2008. – P 2-4.

265. Duca, Gheorghe. Education Through Research: Educational-Scientific Cluster „Univer Science” / Gheorghe Duca // Science & Education Policies: Intern. Conf. for the Central and Eastern Europe, Balkans, Caucasus and Baltic States, 18-21 Sept. 2008: abstracts. – Ch., 2008. – P. 18.

264. Duca, Gheorghe. Integration of Education, Science and Innovation: the model of the Academy of Sciences of Moldova / Gheorghe Duca, Boris Gaina // Role of National Science Academies in the XXI Century: Intern. Conf., 9-12 Oct. 2008. – Podgorica, Montenegro, 2008.

263. Duca, Gheorghe. Persistent Organic Pollutants (Pops) in the Republic of Moldova: Problems and Solutions / Gheorghe Duca, Ion Barbarasa // The Fate of Persistent Organic Pollutants in the Environment: Proc. of the NATO Advanced Research Workshop, Istanbul, Turkey, 25-27 April 2007. – Dordrecht, 2008. – P. 13-20. – Bibliogr.: 3 tit. –

262. Duca, Gheorghe. Science & Technology in a Knowledge-based Society: the Case of Moldova / Gheorghe Duca // Towards a Knowledge-Based Society in CEI Region: Int. Conf., Chisinau, Republic of Moldova, 24 October 2008. – Chişinău, 2008.

261. Duca, Gheorghe. Treatment of Winery Secondary Products / Gheorghe Duca // The Role of Ecological Chemistry in Pollution Research and Sustainable Development: NATO Advanced Research Workshop, Chisinau, Republic of Moldova, 8-12 October 2008. – Chişinău, 2008.

260. Savant, inventator şi manager: (60 de ani de la naşterea academicianului Ion Toderaş) / Gheorghe Duca, Teodor Furdui, Valeriu Rudic, Aurelian Gulea, Alexandru Chirilov, Valentina Ciochină // Structura şi funcţionarea ecosistemelor în zona de interferenţă biogeografică: simpoz. intern. consacrat jubileului de 60 de ani al acad. Ion Toderaş. – Chişinău, 2008. – P. 9-12.

259. Анализ изменчивости химического состава днестровских вод в створе с. Наславча / Н. Горячева, В. Гладкий, Георге Дука, Е. Бундуки, Р. Бородаев, И. Мардарь // Managementul bazinului transfrontalier al fl. Nistru şi Directiva-Cadru Apelor a Uniunii Europene = Управление бассейном трансграничной реки Днестр и Водная Рамочная Директива Европейского Союза = Transboundary Dniester River Basin Management and the EU Water Framework Directive: materialele conf. int., 2-3 окт. 2008. – Chişinău, 2008. – P. 111-115. – Bibliogr.: 4 tit.

258. Дука, Георге. Новые критерии при оценке качества поверхностных вод / Георге Дука // Managementul bazinului transfrontalier al fl. Nistru şi Directiva-Cadru Apelor a Uniunii Europene = Управление бассейном трансграничной реки Днестр и Водная Рамочная Директива Европейского Союза = Transboundary Dniester River Basin Management and the EU Water Framework Directive: materialele conf. int., 2-3 окт. 2008. – Chişinău, 2008. – P. 111-115. – Bibliogr.: 7 tit.

257. Новые достижения в решении экологических проблем обезвреживания и утилизации ферроцианидных осадков виноделия / Виктор Ковалев, Борис Гаина, Георге Дука, Ольга Ковалева // Probleme teoretice şi practice ale economiei proprietăţii intelectuale: comunic. prezentate la ed. a VI-a a conf. int., şt.-practice (22-23 noiemb. 2007). – Ch., 2008. – P. 102-104.

256. Организационные и научно-технические решения в развитии биогазовой технологии в Молдове / Георге Дука, Борис Гаина, Виктор Ковалев, Дмитрий Унгуряну // Probleme teoretice şi practice ale economiei proprietăţii intelectuale: comunic. prezentate la ed. a VI-a a conf. int., şt.-practice (22-23 noiemb. 2007). – Ch., 2008. – P. 105-111.


255. Duca, Gheorghe. Natural ecosystems as models for modern sustainable agro-ecosystems / Gheorghe Duca, Simion Toma, B. Boincean // Environment protection in agro-ecosystems: meeting of the Union of European Agrarian Academies, 16-17 mai 2007. – Yalta, 2007. – P. 84 – 93.

254. Duca, Gheorghe. The forecast and the strategy of chemistry development / Gheorghe Duca, A. Gulea // XVIII Mendeleev Congress on General and Applied Chemistry, 23-28 Sept. 2007: Abstracts. – Moscow, 2007. – Vol. 3. – P. 127.

253. Implementation of the renewable energy sources in the Republic of Moldova / Gheorghe Duca, V. Afanasiev, V. Postolatii, V. Berzan // Alternativizvori energije i budcnost njihove prejene: peti medunarodni naucni skaup, 4-5 oct. 2007: abstr. – Budava, 2007. – P. 1-2.

252. Noi compuşi biologic activi obţinuţi prin modificarea taninurilor din seminţe de struguri / Tudor Lupaşcu, Gheorghe Duca, Pavel Vlad, Taras Gromovoi, Veaceslav Kulciţki, Raisa Nastas, Valeriu Rudic, Veaceslav Goncear, Elena Zariciuc // Proprietăţile chimiei pentru dezvoltare durabilă: materialele simpoz. int., 29-30 oct. 2007. – Bucureşti, 2007. – P.

251. Specificity of Interaction of Hydrochlorothiazide and its N-Nitroso Derivative with 18-Membered Macrocyclic Receptors / Gheorghe Duca, M. Fonari, E. Ganin, A. Yavolovskii, Y. Simonov // XVIII Mendeleev Congress on General and Applied Chemistry, 23-28 Sept. 2007: Abstracts. – Moscow, 2007. – Vol. 5. – P. 13.

250. Vlad, Pavel. The development of chemistry in the Republic of Moldova / Pavel Vlad, Gheorghe Duca // Achievements and Perspectives of Modern Chemistry: The IInd Int. Conf. of the Chemical Society of the Republic of Moldova, 1-3 Oct. 2007: abstr. of communic. – Chişinău, 2007. – P. 5.

249. Гранулирование активного ила и фиксация бактерий в процессе анаэробной обработки сточных вод виноделия / И. Н. Суман В. В. Ковалев, Д. Ф. Малина, Г. Г. Дука // V Международный конгресс по управлению отходами–WASTETECH-2007, 29 мая-1 июня 2007: сборник докл. – Москва, 2007. – P. 117-119.

248. Дука, Георге. Обработка винной барды щелочными анионитами с целью получения винной кислоты / Г. Дука, Н. Маркитан, А. Мереуца // V Международный конгресс по управлению отходами–WASTETECH-2007, 29 мая-1 июня 2007: сборник докл. – Москва, 2007. – P. 209-210.

247. Дука, Георге. Химико-технологические и экологические проблемы энергетики Молдовы / Г. Г. Дука, В. М. Постолатий // XVIII Mendeleev Congress on General and Applied Chemistry, 23-28 Sept. 2007: Abstracts. – Moscow, 2007. – Vol. 3. – P. 133-134.

246. К инновационной экономике в Молдове через структуры опережающего развития «социоэкополиса» / Г. Дука, А. Андриеш, В. Кашуба, И. Тигиняну // XVIII Mendeleev Congress on General and Applied Chemistry, 23-28 Sept. 2007: Abstracts. – Moscow, 2007. – Vol. 1. – P. 209.

245. Комплексное обезвреживание и утилизация цианидных отходов виноделия / Г. Г. Дука, Б. С. Гаина, В. В. Ковалев, О. В. Ковалева // V Международный конгресс по управлению отходами–WASTETECH-2007, 29 мая-1 июня 2007: сборник докл. – Москва, 2007. – P. 200.

244. Новые полифункциональные материалы из вторичных продуктов виноделия / Т. Лупашку, Георге Дука, Г. А. Петухова, Р. И. Настас // Актуальные проблемы теории адсорбции, пористости и адсорбционной селективности: материалы XI Всероссийского симп. с участием иностр. ученых, (Москва-Клязьма, 16-20 апр. 2007). – Москва, 2007. – Р. 19.

243. Особенности процессов электрофотокатализа для создания экологически более чистых технологий / В. В. Ковалев, Б. С. Гаина, Г. Г. Дука, О. В. Ковалева // Экологические проблемы Черного моря: материалы междунар. научно-практ. конф., 31 мая-1 июня 2007. – Одесса, 2007. – Р. 19-21.


242. Coordination peculiarities of the salicylaldehyde S- methylisothiosemicarbazone in the palladium complexes / M. Revenco, P. Bourosh, Gheorghe Duca, Yu. Simonov, P. Bulmaga, E. Jora, M. Gdaniec, P. Ketrush // Physical Methods in Coordination and Supramolecular Chemistry: XV Int. Conf.: XVII Reading in memory of Acad. A. Ablov, 27 Sept.-1 Oct. 2006: book of abstracts. – Chişinău, 2006. – P. 80.

241. Duca, Gheorghe. Alocuţiune la deschiderea Conferinţei ştiinţifice internaţionale „15 ani de independenţă a Republicii Moldova” / Gheorghe Duca // 15 ani de independenţă a Republicii Moldova: materialele conf. şt. int., 22 aug. 2006. – Chişinău, 2006. – P. 7-9.

240. Duca, Gheorghe. Cuvânt de deschidere / Gheorghe Duca // Epoca Elinismului: actualitatea şi contemporaneitatea: materialele conf. şt. – Chişinău, 2006. – P. 5-7.

239. Duca, Gheorghe. Cuvânt de deschidere / Gheorghe Duca // Научная конференция, посвященная 15-летию образования Общества греческой культуры «Элефтерия» в Республике Молдова: тезисы. – Chişinău, 2006. – P. 7-9.

238. Duca, Gheorghe. Message from President of the Academy of Sciences of Moldova / Gheorghe Duca // Physical Methods in Coordination and Supramolecular Chemistry: XV Int. Conf.: XVII Reading in memory of Acad. A. Ablov, 27 Sept.-1 Oct. 2006: book of abstracts. – Chişinău, 2006. – P. 5.

237. Duca, Gheorghe. Reformarea ştiinţei în Republica Moldova: obiective, realizări, probleme / Gheorghe Duca, Victor Balmuş // Probleme actuale ale ştiinţelor socio-umane în condiţiile integrării europene: materialele сonf. teoretico-şt. int., 28 ian. 2006. – Chişinău, 2006. – P. 23-27.

236. Duca, Gheorghe. Studiul procesului de extracţie a acidului tartric din vinasă cu anioniţi lichizi şi solizi / Gheorghe Duca, Aliona Mereuţă, Natalia Marchitan // Învăţământul superior şi cercetarea – piloni ai societăţii bazate pe cunoaştere: сonf. şt. int. dedicată jubileului de 60 de ani ai Univ. de Stat din Moldova, 28 sept. 2006: rez. comunic. – Chişinău, 2006. – P. 165-166.

235. Extraction de l´acide tartrique avec des anionites liquides et solides / Gheorghe Duca, Aliona Mereuţă, Maria Gonţa, Natalia Marchitan // Actes du quatrième Colloque Franco-Roumain de Chimie Appliquée (CoFrRoCa-2006), 28 Juin-2 Juillet 2006. – Clermont-Ferrand (France), 2006. – P. 324-325.

234. Perfection of anaerobic systems for waste water treatment / Victor Сovaliov, Olga Covaliova, Gheorghe Duca, Dumitru Ungureanu // ECWATECH-2006 – Water: Ecology and Technology: VII Int. Congr., 30 May-2 June: abstracts. – Moscow, 2006. – P. 728-729.

233. Дука, Георге. Вступительное слово / Георге Дука // Научная конференция, посвященная 15-летию образования Общества греческой культуры «Элефтерия» в Республике Молдова: тезисы. – Chişinău, 2006. – P. 14-16.

232. Состояние малых рек в бассейне Днестра / Нелли Горячева, Георге Дука, Виорика Гладки, Лидия Романчук // ECWATECH-2006 – Вода: экология и технология: материалы VII междунар. конгр., 30 мая-2 июня 2006. – Москва, 2006. – Т. 1. – Р. 130-131.


231. Acidifying emissions and depositions in the north part of the Republic of Moldova / V. Brega, A. Begu, Lilia Bogaiciuc, Gheorghe Duca // Ecological Chemistry: The Third Int. Conf., 20-21 May 2005: abstracts. – Chişinău, 2005. – P. 222-223.

230. Assessment of Landfill Gas Generation / Tatiana Ţugui, Gheorghe Duca, Marius Ţăranu, Gheorghe Copacinschi, Igor Draguţan // Diminuarea impactului hazardelor naturale şi tehnogene asupra mediului şi societăţii: materialele conf. int., 6-7 oct. 2005. – Chişinău, 2005. – P. 219-225. – Bibiliogr.: 11 tit.

229. Combaterea poluării provocate de scurgerea accidentală a produselor petroliere utilizând sorbenţi antipetrol / C. Cojocaru, Camelia Cojocaru, Gheorghe Duca, M. Macoveanu // Ecological Chemistry: The Third Int. Conf., 20-21 May 2005: abstracts. – Chişinău, 2005. – P. 24-26.

228. Covaliov, Victor. The new solutions on catalytical combustion of hydrocarbon fuel and air emissions treatment / Victor Covaliov, Gheorghe Duca, Olga Covaliova // Ecological Chemistry: The Third Int. Conf., 20-21 May 2005: abstracts. – Chişinău, 2005. – P. 144-145.

227. Determinarea influenţei catalizatorului omogen asupra reducerii conţinutului de emisii poluante în atmosferă ale motoarelor cu ardere internă / A. Crăciun, V. Ene, Gheorghe Duca, T. Sajin // Ecological Chemistry: The Third Int. Conf., 20-21 May 2005: abstracts. – Chişinău, 2005. – P. 223.

226. Duca, Gheorghe. Aportul savanţilor la prosperarea satului moldovenesc / Gheorghe Duca // Comunităţile rurale şi renaşterea satului: teze şi comunic. conf. naţ., 28 febr. 2005. – Chişinău, 2005. – P. 3-4.

225. Duca, Gheorghe. [Cuvântul de deschidere] / Gheorghe Duca // Energetica Moldovei – 2005: rap. conf. int., 21-24 sept. 2005. – Chişinău, 2005. – P. 8-11.

224. Duca, Gheorghe. Ecological Chemistry: Milestones of Development / Gheorghe Duca // Ecological Chemistry: Latest Advances: The Third Int. Conf., 20-21 May 2005: book of proc. – Chişinău, 2005. – P. 10-54.

223. Duca, Gheorghe. Efecte ale abordării integrative şi preventive ale protecţiei mediului de poluare din surse industriale / Gheorghe Duca, V. Bobeică // Mediul şi industria: materiale simpoz., 19-21 oct. 2005. – Bucureşti, 2005. – Vol. 1. – P. 243-246.

222. Duca, Gheorghe. Estimarea hazardurilor chimice / Gheorghe Duca, Igor Mardari // Diminuarea impactului hazardelor naturale şi tehnogene asupra mediului şi societăţii: materialele conf. int., 6-7 oct. 2005. – Chişinău, 2005. – P.159.

221. Duca, Gheorghe. Impact of polychlorinated biphenyls (PCBS) on the human health and environment in the Republic of Moldova / Gheorghe Duca, I. Barbarasa, A. Isac // Ecological Chemistry: The Third Int. Conf., 20-21 May 2005: abstracts. – Chişinău, 2005. – P. 309-311.

220. Duca, Gheorghe. Kinetics regularities and the mechanisms of the oxidation of some industrial dyes in homogeneous systems / Gheorghe Duca, Tatiana Isac // Ecological Chemistry: The Third Int. Conf., 20-21 May 2005: abstracts. – Chişinău, 2005. – P. 43-44.

219. Duca, Gheorghe. Perspectivele transferului tehnologic în agricultură şi industria alimentară / Gheorghe Duca // Transferul de tehnologii în agricultură şi industria alimentară: materialele conf. int., 10-11 iunie 2005. – Chişinău, 2005. – P. 15-20.

218. Duca, Gheorghe. Prelucrarea efectivă a produselor secundare din vinificaţie în Moldova – sarcină strategică în condiţiile economiei de piaţă / Gheorghe Duca, Boris Gaina // In Wine’ 2005: materialele conf. int. şt.-practice, 21-23 febr. 2005. – Chişinău, 2005. – P. 90-91.

217. Duca, Gheorghe. Presentation de l'activite d'equipe de Moldova / Gheorghe Duca, Maria Gonţa // Méthodes électrochimiques de contrôle et destruction des polluants organiques et inorganiques: Table Ronde ELCONDES, Acad. des Sciences de Moldavie, 21-22 Mai 2005: cahier ELCONDES: contributions scientifiques. – Cluj-Napoca, 2005. – P. 15-22.

216. Duca, Gheorghe. Strategiile preventive de mediu în managementul internaţional şi naţional al securităţii chimice / Gheorghe Duca, V. Bobeică // Ecological Chemistry: The Third Int. Conf., 20-21 May 2005: abstracts. – Chişinău, 2005. – P. 318-319.

215. Duca, Gheorghe. The study of self-purification capacity of natural waters in model systems / Gheorghe Duca, Elena Bunduchi // Ecological Chemistry: The Third Int. Conf., 20-21 May 2005: abstracts. – Chişinău, 2005. – P. 88.

214. Duca, Gheorghe. Un spirit european uriaş – Constantin Stere / Gheorghe Duca // Constantin Stere – 140 de ani de la naştere: materialele conf. şt. int., 12 oct. 2005. – Chişinău, 2005. – P. 6-8.

213. Impactul poluanţilor chimici asupra omului şi oncogenezei / Gh. Ţâbârnă, Gheorghe Duca, G. Bulbuc, V. Darie, A. Clipca, A. Ţâbârnă // Ecological Chemistry: Latest Advances: The Third Int. Conf., 20-21 May 2005: book of proc. – Chişinău, 2005. – P. 676-683.

212. Landfill gas emissions measurements in the Republic of Moldova / Tatiana Ţugui, Gheorghe Duca, Marius Ţăranu, Gheorghe Copacinschi, I. Draguţan // Ecological Chemistry: The Third Int. Conf., 20-21 May 2005: abstracts. – Chişinău, 2005. – P. 365-366.

211. L'ecartement des colorants actifs au traitement électrochimique des solutions echantillons / Gheorghe Duca, Maria Gonţa, Vera Matveevici, Olesea Nistor // Méthodes électrochimiques de contrôle et destruction des polluants organiques et inorganiques: Table Ronde ELCONDES, Acad. des Sciences de Moldavie, 21-22 Mai 2005: cahier ELCONDES: contributions scientifiques. – Cluj-Napoca, 2005. – P. 215-224. – Bibliogr.: 7 tit.

210. L'ecartement des colorants directs au traitement électrochimique dans la cellule aux anodes insolubles / Gheorghe Duca, Maria Gonţa, Vera Matveevici, Diana Porubin // Méthodes électrochimiques de contrôle et destruction des polluants organiques et inorganiques: Table Ronde ELCONDES, Acad. des Sciences de Moldavie, 21-22 Mai 2005: cahier ELCONDES: contributions scientifiques. – Cluj-Napoca, 2005. – P. 69-78. – Bibliogr.: 9 tit.

209. L'etude du procéssus de diminution des nitrates par leur réduction électrochimique / Gheorghe Duca, Maria Gonţa, Vera Matveevici, Viorica Iambarţev, Viorica Călugăreanu // Méthodes électrochimiques de contrôle et destruction des polluants organiques et inorganiques: Table Ronde ELCONDES, Acad. des Sciences de Moldavie, 21-22 Mai 2005: cahier ELCONDES: contributions scientifiques. – Cluj-Napoca, 2005. – P. 207-214. – Bibliogr.: 8 tit.

208. L'etude du procéssus de diminution des nitrites par leur réduction électrochimique dans la cellule aux anodes insolubles / Gheorghe Duca, Maria Gonţa, Vera Matveevici, Viorica Iambarţev, Tatiana Pripa // Méthodes électrochimiques de contrôle et destruction des polluants organiques et inorganiques: Table Ronde ELCONDES, Acad. des Sciences de Moldavie, 21-22 Mai 2005: cahier ELCONDES: contributions scientifiques. – Cluj-Napoca, 2005. – P. 111-118. – Bibliogr.: 5 tit.

207. Optimization of the process to obtain seeds from dried grape / Gheorghe Duca, E. Iorga, S. Popel, E. Pirgari, P. Parasca, G. Pintilei // Ecological Chemistry: The Third Int. Conf., 20-21 May 2005: abstracts. – Chişinău, 2005. – P. 372-373.

206. The assessment of GHG emissions from ferrous metal production for the period of 1990-2002 in Moldova / Marius Ţăranu, V. Scorpan, Gheorghe Duca, Tatiana Ţugui // Ecological Chemistry: Latest Advances: The Third Int. Conf., 20-21 May 2005: book of proc. – Chişinău, 2005. – P. 368-376. – Bibliogr.: 9 tit.

205. The formation of N-nitrozomethylurea in simulated gastric juice and the inhibition of this process / Gheorghe Duca, Maria Gonţa, E. Mahu, Nadejda Voloc, Diana Porubin // Ecological Chemistry: The Third Int. Conf., 20-21 May 2005: abstracts. – Chişinău, 2005. – P. 292-293.

204. The obtaining of certain reducers from the secondary tartaric products / Gheorghe Duca, M. Gonţa, A. Mereuţa, I. Guţu, P. Parasca // Ecological Chemistry: The Third Int. Conf., 20-21 May 2005: abstracts. – Chişinău, 2005. – P. 351-352.

203. The study of morpholine nitrosation in the simulated gastric juice / Gheorghe Duca, Maria Gonţa, Diana Porubin, Nadejda Voloc // Ecological Chemistry: Latest Advances: The Third Int. Conf., 20-21 May 2005: book of proc. – Chişinău, 2005. – P. 412-421. – Bibliogr.: 25 tit.

202. The study of morpholine nitrosation in the simulated gastric juice / Gheorghe Duca, Maria Gonţa, Diana Porubin, Nadejda Voloc // Ecological Chemistry: The Third Int. Conf., 20-21 May 2005: abstracts. – Chişinău, 2005. – P. 293-294.

201. Study on the influence of the surface-active substances on the ammonium biochemical oxidation / Maria Sandu, Maria Negru, Gheorghe Duca, Petru Spataru, Diana Draguţan // Ecological Chemistry: The Third Int. Conf., 20-21 May 2005: abstracts. – Chişinău, 2005. – P. 418.

200. Suman, Ion. Anaerobic treatment of winery wastewaters on various packing materials for microflora attachments / Ion Suman, Gheorghe Duca, Victor Covaliov // Ecological Chemistry: The Third Int. Conf., 20-21 May 2005: abstracts. – Chişinău, 2005. – P. 48-49.

199. Suman, Ion. Start-up studying of anaerobic treatment process of winery wastewaters / Ion Suman, Gheorghe Duca, Joseph Malina // Ecological Chemistry: The Third Int. Conf., 20-21 May 2005: abstracts. – Chişinău, 2005. – P. 192.

198. The study of the process of decreasing of nitrates content in simulated solutions during electrochemical treatment / Gheorghe Duca, Maria Gonţa, Vera Matveevici, Viorica Iambarţev, M. Şcolnik // Ecological Chemistry: The Third Int. Conf., 20-21 May 2005: abstracts. – Chişinău, 2005. – P. 168.

197. Uptake of the tobacco-specific lung carcinogen 4-(methylnitrosamino)-1-(3-pyridyl)-1-butanone by Moldovan children / Gheorghe Duca, Irina Stepanov, I. Mardari, S. Hecht // Ecological Chemistry: The Third Int. Conf., 20-21 May 2005: abstracts. – Chişinău, 2005. – P. 425.

196. Wastewater decolorization by chemical and electrocoagulation / Gheorghe Duca, Maria Gonţa, Vera Matveevici, Diana Porubin, O. Nistor // Ecological Chemistry: The Third Int. Conf., 20-21 May 2005: abstracts. – Chişinău, 2005. – P. 167-168.

195. Бородаев, Р. Формы миграции железа и меди в водохранилище Валя Морилор и их роль в процессах радикального самоочищения / Р. Бородаев, Г. Дука // Ecological Chemistry: The Third Int. Conf., 20-21 May 2005: abstracts. – Chişinău, 2005. – P. 61-62.

194. Дука, Г. Г. Анализ состояния энергетической безопасности Республики Молдова / Г. Г. Дука, В. М. Постолатий, Е. В. Быкова // Energetica Moldovei – 2005: rap. conf. int., 21-24 sept. 2005. – Chişinău, 2005. – P. 19-30. – Bibiliogr.: 8 tit.

193. Дука, Г. Г. Комплексы с частичным переносом заряда в экологической химии / Г. Г. Дука // XXII Междунар. Чугаевская конф. по координационной химии, 20-24 июня 2005: тезисы докл. – Chişinău, 2005. – P. 31-33.

192. Дука, Г. Г. Эффективная переработка вторичных продуктов виноделия в Молдове – стратегическая задача в условиях рыночной экономики / Г. Г. Дука, Б. Гаина // In Wine’ 2005: materialele conf. int. şt.-practice, 21-23 febr. 2005. – Chişinău, 2005. – P. 92-93.

191. Интенсификация анаэробно-аэробных биохимических процессов обработки жидких органических отходов / В. В. Ковалев, Г. Г. Дука, О. В. Ковалева, Д. В. Унгуряну, И. Ионец // IV Международный конгресс по управлению отходами–WASTETECH-2005, 31 мая-3 июня 2005: Материалы. – Москва, 2005. – P. 147-148.

190. Новые решения по интенсификации биохимических процессов очистки сточных вод и генерирования биогаза / В. Ковалeв, Д. Унгуряну, И. Суман, Г. Дука, О. Ковалева, И. Ионец // Ecological Chemistry: The Third Int. Conf., 20-21 May 2005: abstracts. – Chişinău, 2005. – P. 333-335.

189. Скурлатов, Ю. И. Введение в экологическую химию водной среды / Ю. И. Скурлатов, Г. Г. Дука, Е. В. Штамм // Ecological Chemistry: Latest Advances: The Third Int. Conf., 20-21 May 2005: book of proc. – Chişinău, 2005. – P. 78-85.


188. Dezvoltarea reţelei naţionale RENAM pentru sfera de cercetare ştiinţifică şi învăţământ în Moldova / Andrei Andrieş, Gheorghe Belostecinic, Ion Bostan, Gheorghe Duca, Gheorghe Rusnac // BIT + IV Int. Conf. on Information Technologies – 2004, 3-7 May 2004: abstracts. – Chişinău, 2004. – Vol. 4. – P. 94.

187. Duca, Gheorghe. Address of the President of Academy of Sciences of Moldova / Gheorghe Duca // Promotion of Cleaner Producation Strategy in Moldova: materials of CP conf., 9 June 2004. – Chişinău, 2004. – P. 5-6.

186. Duca, Gheorghe. Agricultura ecologică: [Tehnologii avansate în agricultură şi protecţia mediului înconjurător: materiale ses. şt., 27 noiemb. 2003] / Gheorghe Duca // Bul. Acad. de Ştiinţe a Moldovei. Ştiinţe biologice, chimice şi agricole. – 2004. – Nr 1. – Р.10-16.

185. Duca, Gheorghe. Cuvânt de deschidere / Gheorghe Duca // Valorificarea rezultatelor ştiinţifice – baza dezvoltării durabile a economiei naţionale: teze şi comunic. conf. şt. rep., 16 iunie 2004. – Chişinău, 2004. – P. 5-8.

184. Duca, Gheorghe. Cuvânt înainte / Gheorghe Duca // Managementul integral al resurselor naturale din bazinul transfrontalier al fluviului Nistru: materialele conf. int., 16-17 sept. 2004. – Chişinău, 2004. – P. 3.

183. Duca, Gheorghe. Fluorine problems and water defluorization in Moldova / Gheorghe Duca, Olga Covaliova // Chemistry for Water: CHEMRAWN XV: Int. Conf., 21-23 June 2004: book of proc. – Paris, 2004. – P. 71-72.

182. Duca, Gheorghe. Persistent organic pollutants state in the Republic of Moldova: [proc. of the 2-nd Int. Conf. on Environmental Engineering and Management–ICEEM/02, Iaşi, 23-26 Sept. 2004] / Gheorghe Duca, Andrei Isac, Ion Barbărasă // Environmental Engineering and Management Journal. – 2004. – Vol. 3, Nr 3. – P. 373-378.

181. Duca, Gheorghe. Reprezentanţii ştiinţei moldoveneşti peste hotare / Gheorghe Duca // Congr. I-a al persoanelor originare din Republica Moldova, domiciliate peste hotare. – Chişinău, 2004. – P. 54-55.

180. Flexible substrate based gas sensor for air pollution monitoring / S. Dmitriev, Gheorghe Duca, I. Dementiev, A. Craciun // MRS Spring Meeting, 12-16 April 2004: abstr. book. – San Francisco (USA), 2004. – P. 178.

179. Flexible substrate based gas sensor for air pollution monitoring / S. Dmitriev, Gheorghe Duca, I. Dementiev, A. Craciun // Flexible Electronics 2004 – Materials and Device Technology. – Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania, 2004. – P. 322. – (Materials Research Society Symposium Proceedings. Vol. 814).

178. Fumatul – factor de risc în etiologia cancerului pulmonar, mucoasei cavităţii bucale, laringelui / Gheorghe Duca, Gh. Ţâbârnă, G. Bulbuc, S. Sofronie, A. Cernâi, I. Stepanov // Valorificarea rezultatelor ştiinţifice – baza dezvoltării durabile a economiei naţionale: teze şi comunic. conf. şt. rep., 16 iunie 2004. – Chişinău, 2004. – P. 241.

177. Studies on the process of nitrates content decreasing in simulated solutions during electrochemical treatment: [proc. of the 2nd Int. Conf. on Environmental Engineering and Management–ICEEM/02, Iaşi, 23-26 Sept. 2004] / Gheorghe Duca, Maria Gonţa, Vera Matveevici, Victor Iambarţev, V. Călugăreanu, T. Pripa // Environmental Engineering and Management Journal. – 2004. – Vol. 3, Nr 4. – P. 669-674. – Bibiliogr.: 7 tit.

176. Waste water decolorization by chemical and electrocoagulation methods : [proc. of the 2nd Int. Conf. on Environmental Engineering and Management – ICEEM/02, Iaşi, 23-26 Sept. 2004] / Gheorghe Duca, Maria Gonţa, Vera Matveevici, Diana Porubin, Octav Nistor // Environmental Engineering and Management Journal. – 2004. – Vol. 3, Nr 4. – P. 621-627. – Bibiliogr. : 7 tit.

175. Ковалев, В. В. Сорбционно-магнитный метод сбора и удаления аварийных разливов нефтепродуктов / В. В. Ковалев, О. В. Ковалева, Г. Г. Дука // Вода: экология и технология – ECWATECH-2004: материалы VI междунар. конгр., 1-4 июня 2004. – Москва, 2004. – Р. 356.

174. Экологические аспекты регулирования местного стока в Республике Молдова / Н. Горячева, Г. Дука, В. Гладки, Л. Романчук // Вода: экология и технология – ECWATECH-2004: материалы VI междунар. конгр., 1-4 июня 2004. – Москва, 2004. – Р. 176.


173. Bostan, Lilian. Aspecte specifice privind contaminarea apelor subterane cu produse petroliere / Lilian Bostan, Gheorghe Duca, Corneliu Cojocaru // Bilanţul activităţii ştiinţifice a USM pe anii 2000-2002. Ştiinţe chimico-biologice: rez. comunic. conf. corpului didactico-şt., 30 sept.-6 oct. 2003. – Chişinău, 2003. – P. 48-49.

172. Calculating and mapping of critical loads of nitrogen and sulfur for terrestrial ecosystems / V. Brega, A. Tarita, N. Bejan, A. Begu, Gheorghe Duca // Achievements and perspectives of modern chemistry: The 1st Int. Conf. of the Moldavian Chemical Society, 6-8 oct. 2003: abstr. of communic. – Chişinău, 2003. – P. 121.

171. Calculation and mapping of critical loads for heavy metals of ecosystems in Moldova / V. Brega, A. Tarita, A. Begu, Gheorghe Duca, G. Stasiev // Solul – una din problemele principale ale secolului XXI: lucrările. conf. int. şt.-practice, 7 august 2003. – Chişinău, 2003. – P. 335-337.

170. Covaliova, Olga. Study of the ferro-ferricyanide from winery wastes detoxication and utilisation / Olga Covaliova, Victor Covaliov, Gheorghe Duca // Achievements and perspectives of modern chemistry: The 1st Int. Conf. of the Moldavian Chemical Society, 6-8 Oct. 2003: abstr. of communic. – Chişinău, 2003. – P. 127.

169. Duca, Gheorghe. Dezvoltarea durabilă e o şansă: [interviu cu Gheorghe Duca, min. Ecologiei, Construcţiilor şi Dezvoltării Teritoriului, participant la lucr. Reuniunea Mondială privind Dezvoltarea Durabilă de la Johannesburg, 24 aug.-4 sept. 2002] / consemnare: Ion Şcerbina // Panoramic TV. – 2003. – Nr 2. – P. 15-18.

168. Duca, Gheorghe. Studierea procesului de transformare a nitraţilor la tratarea electrochimica a apelor naturale / Gheorghe Duca, Maria Gonţa, Vera Matveevici // Mediul şi industria: materiale simpoz., 29-31 oct. 2003. – Bucureşti, 2003. – Vol. 2. – P. 21-30.

167. Duca, Gheorghe. Technological and ecological aspects of contemporary chemistry / Gheorghe Duca, Maria Gonţa // Achievements and perspectives of modern chemistry: The 1st Int. Conf. of the Moldavian Chemical Society, 6-8 Oct. 2003: abstr. of communic. – Chişinău, 2003. – P. 2.

166. Procedeu de obţinere a dihidroxifumaratului acid de sodiu / Gheorghe Duca, M. Gonţa, N. Taran, A. Mereuţă, V. Iambarţev // ECOTEHNOLOGII-2003: Tehnologii, instalaţii şi aparate utilizate în protecţia mediului: materiale conf., 19-22 iunie 2003. – Iaşi, 2003. – P. 39.

165. Дука, Г. Концепция управления и некоторые решения по утилизации промышленных отходов в виноделии / Г. Дука, В. Ковалев, И. Суман // Материалы 3-го Междунар. конгр. по управлению отходами. – (WASTETECH-2003), 3-6 июня 2003. – Москва, 2003. – P. 204-205.

164. Дука, Г. Предпосылки, стратегии и перспективы подготовки кадров по специальности «Технология косметических и медицинских препаратов» на факультете Химии и Химической Технологии Молд. Гос. Ун-та / Г. Дука, М. Гонца, В. Бобейкэ // Ştiinţa şi învăţământul: probleme actuale şi perspectivele dezvoltării: materialele conf. rep., 28-30 oct. 2003. – Chişinău, 2003. – P. 55.


163. Application of electrochemical method for nitrates reduction in natural waters / Gheorghe Duca, M. Gonţa, V. Matveevici, V. Iambarţev // The Second Int. Conf. on Ecological Chemistry, 11-12 Oct. 2002: abstracts. – Chişinău, 2002. – P. 105.

162. Brega, V. Problems related to monitoring of particulate matter (PM10) in Moldova / V. Brega, V. Bobeică, Gheorghe Duca // The Second Int. Conf. on Ecological Chemistry, 11-12 Oct. 2002: abstracts. – Chişinău, 2002. – P. 150-152.

161. Buburuz, Dionisie. Pollution dynamics and air quality in the Republic of Moldova / Dionisie Buburuz, Vladimir Brega, Gheorghe Duca // Advances and Prospects of Ecological Chemistry: proc. of the Second Int. Conf. on Ecological Chemistry, 11-12 Oct. 2002. – Chişinău, 2002. – P. 35-40. – Bibliogr.: 17 tit.

160. Buburuz, Dionisie. Pollution dynamics and air quality in the Republic of Moldova / Dionisie Buburuz, Vladimir Brega, Gheorghe Duca // The Second Int. Conf. on Ecological Chemistry, 11-12 Oct. 2002: abstracts. – Chişinău, 2002. – P. 139-141.

159. Celac, D. Acid rain - causes effects and solutions / D. Celac, Gheorghe Duca // The Second Int. Conf. on Ecological Chemistry, 11-12 Oct. 2002: abstracts. – Chişinău, 2002. – P. 121-122.

158. Covaliova, Olga. Increase in redox processes efficiency on water systems treatment containing antropogenic organic pollutants / Olga Covaliova, Gheorghe Duca, Victor Covaliov // The Second Int. Conf. on Ecological Chemistry, 11-12 Oct. 2002: abstracts. – Chişinău, 2002. – P. 80-81.

157. Crăciun, A. CO and NOx atmospheric emission reduction at the natural gas burning / A. Crăciun, Gheorghe Duca, C. Pelipeţcaia // The Second Int. Conf. on Ecological Chemistry, 11-12 Oct. 2002: abstracts. – Chişinău, 2002. – P. 339.

156. Duca, Gheorghe. Cuvânt de deschidere / Gheorghe Duca // Studii şi comunicări practice privind managementul resurselor de apă în condiţiile unui mediu vulnerabil: materiale seminarului, 20-23 noiemb. 2001. – Chişinău, 2002. – P. 7-8.

155. Duca, Gheorghe. Defluorination of underground waters / Gheorghe Duca, Vera Matveevici // The Second Int. Conf. on Ecological Chemistry, 11-12 Oct. 2002: abstracts. – Chişinău, 2002. – P. 104.

154. Duca, Gheorghe. Impact of persistent organic pollutants on environment and health in the Republic of Moldova / Gheorghe Duca, Andrei Isac // The Second Int. Conf. on Ecological Chemistry, 11-12 Oct. 2002: abstracts. – Chişinău, 2002. – P. 175-178.

153. Duca, Gheorghe. Politica statului în domeniul managementului resurselor acvatice / Gheorghe Duca, Silvia Pană-Carp // Studii şi comunicări practice privind managementul resurselor de apă în condiţiile unui mediu vulnerabil: materiale seminarului, 20-23 noiemb. 2001. – Chişinău, 2002. – P. 10-15.

152. Duca, Gheorghe. Radical self-purification of Prut river waters in the period of summer 2002 mean water / Gheorghe Duca, Elena Bunduchi // The Second Int. Conf. on Ecological Chemistry, 11-12 Oct. 2002: abstracts. – Chişinău, 2002. – P. 40-41.

151. Duca, Gheorghe. The purification of the underground waters from the toxic flour ions / Gheorghe Duca, Vera Matveevici // Advances and Prospects of Ecological Chemistry: proc. of the Second Int. Conf. on Ecological Chemistry, 11-12 Oct. 2002. – Chişinău, 2002. – P. 190-196. – Bibliogr.: 6 tit.

150. Inhibition of carcinogenic N-nitroso compounds formation in simulated gastric juice / M. Gonţa, Gheorghe Duca, I. Stepanov, A. Port, I. Bejenaru, D. Porubin, N. Voloc // Advances and Prospects of Ecological Chemistry: proc. of the Second Int. Conf. on Ecological Chemistry, 11-12 Oct. 2002. – Chişinău, 2002. – P. 196-206.

149. National program of cancer control (the role of the chemical factors in etiology of malignant tumours) / Gheorghe Ţâbârnă, Gheorghe Duca, I. Stepanov, A. Clipca // The Second Int. Conf. on Ecological Chemistry, 11-12 Oct. 2002: abstracts. – Chişinău, 2002. – P. 314.

148. Nox and SO2 emission reduction in combusted gases through corona discharge in the presence of pulsate and alternating electric fields / T. Sajin, A. Crăciun, Gheorghe Duca, C. Botez, S. Crăciun, S. Dmitriev // The Second Int. Conf. on Ecological Chemistry, 11-12 Oct. 2002: abstracts. – Chişinău, 2002. – P. 338.

147. Process and instalation for burning of the combusted gases / T. Sajin, A. Crăciun, Gheorghe Duca, I. Gheorghiu, M. Anghelut, S. Dmitriev, C. Pelipeţcaia // The Second Int. Conf. on Ecological Chemistry, 11-12 Oct. 2002: abstracts. – Chişinău, 2002. – P. 337.

146. Prut water quality in the period of summer mean water 2002 / Nelli Goreaceva, Viorica Gladchi, Elena Bunduchi, Ruslan Borodaev, Gheorghe Duca // The Second Int. Conf. on Ecological Chemistry, 11-12 Oct. 2002: abstracts. – Chişinău, 2002. – P. 39.

145. Risk for health assessment of tobacco-specific N-nitrosamines / I. Stepanov, Gheorghe Duca, V. Şutchin, Gheorghe Ţâbârnă, S. Hecht, S. Carmella // The Second Int. Conf. on Ecological Chemistry, 11-12 Oct. 2002: abstracts. – Chişinău, 2002. – P. 318-319.

144. Romanciuc, Lidia. Glutathion oxidation by hydrogen peroxide in the iron(III) presence in aquatic medium / Lidia Romanciuc, Charles H. Lochmuller, Gheorghe Duca // The Second Int. Conf. on Ecological Chemistry, 11-12 Oct. 2002: abstracts. – Chişinău, 2002. – P. 25-26.

143. Romanciuc, Lidia. Partial charge transfer in the redox-processes with thiolic compounds participation / Lidia Romanciuc, Gheorghe Duca // The Second Int. Conf. on Ecological Chemistry, 11-12 Oct. 2002: abstracts. – Chişinău, 2002. – P. 24-25.

142. The dose-response relationship for the thiram and benomyl application on corn and wheat plants / I. Mardari, A. Port, M. Duca, Gheorghe Duca // The Second Int. Conf. on Ecological Chemistry, 11-12 Oct. 2002: abstracts. – Chişinău, 2002. – P. 289-290.

141. The integrated assessment indexes of ecosistems in Moldova. Critical loads of pollutants, acidification and bioindicators / Vladimir Brega, Radu Brega, Adam Begu, Gheorghe Duca // The Second Int. Conf. on Ecological Chemistry, 11-12 Oct. 2002: abstracts. – Chişinău, 2002. – P. 125-127.

140. The mechanism of nitrates transformation in the processes of electrochemical treatment of natural waters: [proc. of the First Int. Conf. on Environmental Engineering and Management – ICEEM/01, Iaşi, 26-28 Sept. 2002] / Gheorghe Duca, Maria Gonţa, Vera Matveevici, Viorica Iambarţev // Environmental Engineering and Management Journal. – 2002. – Vol. 1, Nr 3. – P. 341-346.

139. Ţugui, Tatiana. The inventory of methane from waste disposals sites and abatement measures / Tatiana Ţugui, Gheorghe Duca // The Second Int. Conf. on Ecological Chemistry, 11-12 Oct. 2002: abstracts. – Chişinău, 2002. – P. 166.

138. Бородаев, Р. Окислительно – восстановительные условия трансграничной реки Днестр / Р. Бородаев, Н. Горячева, Г. Дука // Ресурси природних вод Карпатського регiону: материалы мiжнар. конф., 4-5 июня 2002. – Львiв, 2002. – Р. 12-15.

137. Бородаев, Р. Характеристика окислительно-восстановительных условий нижнего Днестра / Р. Бородаев, Г. Дука // Безопасность биосферы – 2001-2002: тезисы докл. Всероссийского науч. молодежного симп., 4-6 мая 2002. – Екатеринбург, 2002. – Р. 26.

136. Гладкий, В. Оценка редокс-состояния и способности к самоочищению вод реки Прут / В. Гладкий, Г. Дука, Н. Горячева // Вода: экология и технология – ECWATECH-2002: материалы V междунар. конгр., 4-7 июня 2002. – Москва, 2002. – Р. 123.

135. Ковалев, В. В. Очистка сточных вод предприятий виноделия / В. В. Ковалев, О. В. Ковалева, Г. Г. Дука // Вода: экология и технология – ECWATECH-2002: материалы V междунар. конгр., 4-7 июня 2002. – Москва, 2002. – Р. 457-458.

134. Ковалев, В. В. Сорбенты и коагулянты из отходов производства для очистки сточных вод / В. В. Ковалев, О. В. Ковалева, Г. Г. Дука // Вода: экология и технология – ECWATECH-2002: материалы V междунар. конгр., 4-7 июня 2002. – Москва, 2002. – Р. 493-494.

133. Проблема качества грунтовых вод в Республике Молдова / Н. Горячева, В. Гладкий, Г. Дука, Л. Романчук, О. Ковалева // Вода: экология и технология – ECWATECH-2002: материалы V междунар. конгр., 4-7 июня 2002. – Москва, 2002. – Р. 242.


132. Decontamination and utilization of wine-making wastes / O. Covaliova, V. Covaliov, Gheorghe Duca, A. Mereuţă, J. Malina // 2-nd Int. Congr. on Waste Management – WASTETECH-2001, 5-8 June 2001: proceedings. – Moscow, 2001. – P. 554-555.

131. Duca, Gheorghe. Electrochemical methods application for the natural water purification of nitrite ions / Gheorghe Duca, Maria Gonţa, Vera Matveevici // XII-th Romanian Int. Conf. on Chemistry and Chemical Engineering – RICCE-12: proc., 13-15 Sept. 2001. – Bucureşti, 2001. – P. 79.

130. Duca, Gheorghe. Potabilization of underground waters / Gheorghe Duca, Vera Matveevici // XII-th Romanian Int. Conf. on Chemistry and Chemical Engineering – RICCE-12: proc., 13-15 Sept. 2001. – Bucureşti, 2001. – P. 131-134.

129. Mereuţă, Aliona. Gestionarea raţională a resurselor energetice la obţinerea sărurilor tartarice / Aliona Mereuţă, Gheorghe Duca, Liviu Vacarciuc // Chimia ecologică şi estimarea riscului chimic : rez. comunic. conf. şt. rep. a tinerilor cercetători. – Chişinău, 2001. – P. 55-56.

128. N-nitrosoamines in tobacco and smoke of Moldavian cigarettes / Irina Stepanov, Gheorghe Duca, Maria Gonţa, Diana Juc-Lambelet, Jean Carre // SETAC Europe XI-th Annual Meeting, 6-10 May 2001: abstracts. – Madrid (Spain), 2001. – P. 122.

127. The process studying of nitrates reduction fraught electrochemical method / Gheorghe Duca, M. Gonţa, V. Matveevici, V. Iambarţev // IAWD-Symposium on Surface Water and Groundwater Quality in the Danube Catchment Area, Siofok – Balaton (Hungary), 4-6 Оct. 2001: rez. – Siofok, 2001. – P. 176-181.

126. Tobacco-specific N-nitrosoamines in smokers’ blood, urine and saliva / Gheorghe Duca, Gheorghe Ţâbârnă, Maria Gonţa, Irina Stepanov // SETAC Europe XI-th Annual Meeting, 6-10 May 2001: abstracts. – Madrid (Spain), 2001. – P. 74.

125. Очистка природных вод от избыточных нитрат-ионов / Г. Дука, М. Гонца, В. Матвеевич, В. Ямбарцев // Вода и здоровье – 2001: материалы IV междунар. научно-практ. конф., 10-12 окт., 2001. – Одесса, 2001. – Р. 80-85.


124. Duca, Gheorghe. Impactul mediului ambiant şi methemoglobinemia / Gheorghe Duca, Maria Gonţa // Tehnologii avansate în pragul secolului XXI: materiale conf. şt.-practice, 5 oct., 2000. – Chişinău, 2000. – P. 186-188.

123. Duca, Gheorghe. Oxidarea oxihemoglobinei cu ionii de nitrit / Gheorghe Duca, M. Gonţa, V. Iambarţev // XXVI Simpoz. Naţ. de Chimie, 4-6 oct. 2000: rez. –Călimăneşti-Căciulata, Vâlcea (Romania), 2000. – P. 425-426.

122. Environmental aspects of the lower Dniester problems / Gheorghe Duca, Nelly Goreaceva, Ivan Bespalov // Bilanţul activităţii ştiinţifice a USM pe anii 1998-1999. Ştiinţe chimico-biologice: rez. comunic. conf. corpului didactico-şt., 27 sept.-2 oct. 2000.– Chişinău, 2000. – P. 17-18.

121. Gonţa, Maria. Stabilizarea vinurilor spumante prin utilizarea unor noi conservanţi / Maria Gonţa, Gheorghe Duca, Nicolae Taran // Bilanţul activităţii ştiinţifice a USM pe anii 1998-1999. Ştiinţe chimico-biologice: rez. comunic. conf. corpului didactico-şt., 27 sept.-2 oct. 2000. – Chişinău, 2000. – P. 11-12.

120. Înlăturarea nitraţilor din apele naturale prin metoda electrochimică / Gheorghe Duca, M. Gonţa, V. Matveevici, V. Iambarţev // XXVI Simpoz. Naţ. de Chimie, 4-6 oct. 2000: rez. – Călimăneşti-Căciulata, Vâlcea (Romania), 2000. – P. 156.

119. Purificarea apelor naturale de ionii de prin metoda electrochimică / Gheorghe Duca, M. Gonţa, V. Matveeici, V. Iambarţev // Tehnologii avansate în pragul secolului XXI: materiale conf. şt.-practice, 5 octombrie, 2000. – Chişinău, 2000. – P. 171-174.

118. Дука, Г. Г. Кинетика и ингибирование процессов нитрозирования никотина в водных растворах / Г. Г. Дука, И. Степанова, М. В. Гонца // Вода: экология и технология – ECWATECH-2000: тезисы докл. IV междунар. конгр., 30 мая-2 июня, 2000. – Москва, 2000. – Р. 501-502.

117. Степанова, И. Оксиды азота в дыме молдавских сигарет – предшественники канцерогенных соединений: [тезисы докл. II съезда онкологов стран СНГ с участием ученых Европы, Америки и Азии, Киев, 23-26 мая 2000] / И. Степанова, М. Гонца, Г. Дука // Экспериментальная онкология. – 2000. – Vol. 22, Suppl. – P. 117.


116. Cercetarea eficacităţii utilizării catalizatorilor în procesele de ardere a gazului natural / A. Crăciun, A. Gaba, L. Păunescu, V. Covaliov, Gheorghe Duca, V. Şofranschi // Mediul şi Industria: materiale simpoz., Craiova, 23-25 sept. 1999. – Bucureşti, 1999. – Vol. 1. – P. 46.

115. Covaliova, Olga. Obţinerea electrochimică a coagulanţilor pentru tratarea apelor / Olga Covaliova, Riad Saleh, Gheorghe Duca // Ecologie – Acoperiri metalice: materiale simpoz., 13-15 oct. 1999. – Braşov, 1999. – P. 334-340.

114. Covaliova, Olga. Obţinerea electrochimică a coagulanţilor pentru tratarea apelor / Olga Covaliova, Riad Saleh, Gheorghe Duca // Mediul şi Industria: materiale simpoz., Craiova, 23-25 sept. 1999. – Bucureşti, 1999. – Vol. 1. – P. 26-27.

113. Epurarea apelor uzate impurificate cuderivaţii de n,n-dimetilanilină printr-un procedeu plazmo-electrochimic / V. Covaliov, I. Creţescu, M. Macoveanu, Gheorghe Duca // Mediul şi Industria: materiale simpoz., Craiova, 23-25 sept. 1999. – Bucureşti, 1999. – Vol. 1. – P. 26.


112. Bostan, Lilian. Riscul chimic al compuşilor organici din vin / Lilian Bostan, Gheorghe Duca [conducător şt.] // Estimarea şi managementul riscului chimic: rez. comunic. conf. şt. studenţeşti, 25 martie 1998. – Chişinău, 1997. – P. 10.

111. Covaliov, Victor. Elaborarea şi studiul proceselor de obţinere galvano-chimică a coagulanţilor pe bază de aluminiu / Victor Covaliov, Gheorghe Duca, Alexandru Scripcaru // Bilanţul activităţii ştiinţifice a USM pe anii 1996-1997. Ştiinţe naturale: rez. comunic. conf. corpului didactico-şt., 30 sept.-5 oct. 1998. – Chişinău, 1998. – P. 143.

110. Covaliov, Victor. Puruficarea şi condiţionarea apelor reziduale cu coagulanţi sintezaţi galvanochimic / Victor Covaliov, Alexandru Scripcaru, Gheorghe Duca // Apele Moldovei: rez. comunic. conf. a 3-a int. şt.-practice, 25-26 februarie 1998. – Chişinău, 1998. – P. 109-111.

109. Duca, Gheorghe. Cuvânt introductiv / Gheorghe Duca // Estimarea şi managementul riscului chimic: rez. comunic. conf. şt. studenţeşti, 25 martie 1998. – Chişinău, 1997. – P. 4.

108. Duca, Gheorghe. Mediul ambiant şi factorii de risc pentru sănătatea populaţiei / Gheorghe Duca // Estimarea riscului mediului ambiant pentru sănătatea mamei şi a copilului: materiale conf. naţ., 24 aprilie 1998. – Chişinău, 1998. – P. 6-12.

107. Duca, Gheorghe. Organizarea metodică a lucrărilor de laborator la chimia ecologică / Gheorghe Duca, M. Gonţa, E. Popovici // Metode eficiente de instruire la chimie: rez. conf. a 5-a şt.-metodice, 19-20 martie 1998. – Chişinău, 1998. – P. 66-68.

106. Duca, Gheorghe. Particularităţile predării limbii engleze pentru chimiştii tehnologi / Gheorghe Duca, O. Covaliova, A. Danoi // Metode eficiente de instruire la chimie: rez. conf. a 5-a şt.-metodice, 19-20 martie 1998. – Chişinău, 1998. – P. 72-73.

105. Деструкционная очистка концентрированных сточных вод от труднодеградируемых органических соединений / В. В. Ковалев, Г. Г. Дука, О. В. Ковалева, И. Крецеску // Вода: экология и технология – ECWATECH-98: материалы III междунар. конгр., 25-30 мая 1998. – Москва, 1998. – Р. 412-413.


104. Duca, Gheorghe. Acţiunea reducătorilor în diminuarea concentraţiei de nitriţi din produsele de carne / Gheorghe Duca, M. Gonţa, V. Iambarţev // Actualităţi în diagnosticul şi tratamentul cancerului: rez. conf. rep. de oncologie, 28 noiemb. 1997. – Chişinău, 1997. – P. 112.

103. Duca, Gheorghe. Chemical out flow of Prut river / Gheorghe Duca, N. Goreacev, A. Savcov // Water Pollution-97 – Modelling, Measuring and Prediction: proc. of the IV-th Int. Conf., 18-20 June 1997. – Bled (Slovenia), 1997. – P. 27

102. Duca, Gheorghe. Cuvânt de salut / Gheorghe Duca // Estimarea şi managementul riscului chimic: materiale conf. şt. rep. a tinerilor cercetători, 29 martie 1997. – Chişinău, 1997. – P. 1.

101. Duca, Gheorghe. Redox- state as a parameter of water reservoirs ecological condition / Gheorghe Duca, Lidia Romanciuc, Iurie Scurlatov // Water Pollution-97 – Modelling, Measuring and Prediction: proc. of the IV-th Int. Conf., 18-20 June 1997. – Bled (Slovenia), 1997. – P. 18.

100. Model of self-purification processing in natural water / Gheorghe Duca, L. Romanciuc, N. Goreacev, R. Borodaev // Metal Compounds in Environment and Life: VII-th Int. Hans Wolfgang Nurnberg Memorial Symp., 4-7 June 1997. – Modena (Italy), 1997. – P. 51.

99. Produsele alimentare – factor de risc în etiologia cancerului / Gheorghe Duca, M. Gonţa, V. Iambarţev, Gh. Ţâbârnă // Actualităţi în diagnosticul şi tratamentul cancerului: rez. conf. rep. de oncologie, 28 noiembrie 1997. – Chişinău, 1997. – P. 111.

98. Горячева, Н. В. Роль ассоциации «Terra Nostra» в формировании экологического мировоздания в гражданском обществе / Н. В. Горячева, Л. С. Романчук, Г. Г. Дука // Гражданское общество и социальные права: материалы 2-го междунар. семинара. – Симферополь, 1997. – Р. 42-44.

97. Горячева, Н. В. Экологический эффект регулирования стока малых рек в Республике Молдова / Н. В. Горячева, Л. С. Романчук, Г. Г. Дука // Гражданское общество и социальные права: материалы 2-го междунар. семинара. – Симферополь, 1997. – Р. 21-26.


96. Brega, Radu. Tehnologii de obţinere a coloranţilor din materie primă locală / Radu Brega, Gheorghe Duca [conducător şt.] // Materialele conf. şt. studenţeşti, dedicată jubileului de 50 de ani de la fondare USM, 24-26 apr. 1996. – Chişinău, 1996. – P. 47-48.

95. Duca, Gheorghe. Aspecte ale concepţiei de dezvoltare durabilă în industria ecologică / Gheorghe Duca, R. Brega, P. Parasca // Management ecologic şi dezvoltare durabilă: tezele conf. int. consacrate zilei protecţiei mediului înconjurător şi aniversării a 5-a a Inst. Naţ. de Ecologie, 5-6 iunie 1996. – Chişinău, 1996. – P. 125.

94. Duca, Gheorghe. Chimia ecologică – disciplină în planul de învăţământ a facultăţii de chimie / Gheorghe Duca, Maria Gonţa // Mijloace de învăţământ de concepţie proprie: XXV ses. şt. de fizică şi chimie, 17-19 mai 1996. – Iaşi, 1996. – P. 30.

93. Duca, Gheorghe. Conţinutil unor cancerigeni în produsele alimentare comercializate pe teritoriul Republicii Moldova / Gheorghe Duca, M. Gonţa, Iu. Subotin // Conf. tehnico-şt. a colaboratorilor şi studenţilor a Univ. Tehnice a Moldovei, 21-22 noiemb. 1996. – Chişinău, 1996. – P. 97.

92. Duca, Gheorghe. N-nitrozaminele – factor de risc cancerigen / Gheorghe Duca, Maria Gonţa, Iurie Subotin // Conf. tehnico-şt. a colaboratorilor şi studenţilor a Univ. Tehnice a Moldovei, 21-22 noiemb. 1996. – Chişinău, 1996. – P. 98.

91. Duca, Gheorghe. Nitrozamines analysis by gas-chromatographic method / Gheorghe Duca, Maria Gonţa, Iurie Subotin // 26-th Int. Symp. on Environmental Chemistry, 9-12 Apr. 1996. – Vienna (Austria), 1996. – P. 46.

90. Duca, Gheorghe. Nitrozamines (NDMA, NDEA, NPip, Nmor) analysis by the gas chromatography / Gheorghe Duca, Maria Gonţa, Iurie Subotin // New achievements in chromatography: Int. Symp., 8-10 Oct. 1996. – Opatija (Croatia), 1996. – P. 62.

89. Duca, Gheorghe. Pesticides analysis by gas-chromatographic method / Gheorghe Duca, A. Reznic // 26-th Int. Symp. on Environmental Chemistry, 9-12 Apr. 1996. – Vienna (Austria), 1996. – P. 44.

88. Duca, Maria. Phytohormones analysis by gas-chromatographic method / Maria Duca, O. Budeanu, Gheorghe Duca // 26-th Int. Symp. on Environmental Chemistry, 9-12 Apr. 1996. – Vienna (Austria), 1996. – P. 49.

87. Fotoliza unor N-nitrozoamine / Gheorghe Duca, Gheorghe Ţâbârnă, Maria Gonţa, Iurie Subotin // Manifestările ştiinţifice consacrate zilelor Universităţii A. I. Cuza, 24 oct.-1 noiemb. 1996. – Iaşi, 1996. – P. 102.

86. Sycev, A. The mechanism of catalysis by iron compounds of the reactions of organic substances oxidation with hydrogen oeroxide / A. Sycev, V. Isac, Gheorghe Duca // VI-th Int. Symp. on the Activation of Dioxygen and Homogeneous Catalytic Oxidation, 14-19 Apr. 1996. – Noordwijkerhout (The Netherland), 1996. – P. 137.

85. Sycev, A. The participation of and in the catalytic processes of ecological chemistry / A. Sycev, Gheorghe Duca // VI-th Int. Symp. on the Activation of Dioxygen and Homogeneous Catalytic Oxidation, 14-19 Apr. 1996. – Noordwijkerhout (The Netherland), 1996. – P. 233.

84. Tehnologii chimice: aspecte şi realizări / Gheorghe Duca, Iuliu Gorodeţki, Maria Gonţa, Gheorghe Şişcovski, Nelli Goreaceva, Lidia Romanciuc, Victor Covaliov, Olga Covaliova, Igor Mardari // Conf. şt. jubiliară dedicată anivers. de 50 de ani a USM , 2-3 oct., 1996: rez. comunic. – Chişinău, 1996. – P. 75-77.

83. Влияние восстановителей на процесс нитрозирования диэтил- и диметиламина / М. Гонца, Г. Дука, Г. Цыбырнэ, Ю. Суботин, И. Степанова // Материалы I Съезда онкологов стран СНГ, 3-6 дек. 1996. – Москва, 1996. – Ч. 1. – Р. 63.

82. N-нитрозамины – фактор канцерогенного риска / Г. Дука, Г. Цыбырнэ, М. Гонца, Ю. Суботин // Материалы I Съезда онкологов стран СНГ, 3-6 дек. 1996. – Москва, 1996. – Ч. 1. – Р. 62.


81. Acţiunea unor substanţe xenobiotice asupra conţinutului de auxine în plantele de Hellianthus annuus L. cultivate „în vitro” / Maria Duca, Gheorghe Duca, O. Budeanu, A. Reznic, E. Onici // Ocrotirea naturii: prezent şi viitor: materialele conf. şt., 15-16 dec. 1995. – Chişinău, 1995. – P. 61.

80. Analysis of nitrozoamines contents in meat foodstuffs / Gheorghe Duca, Gh. Tâbârnă, M. Gonţa, I. Subotin, I. Mardari // Symp. on Ecological Chemistry, 1-4 oct. 1995: plenary meet. – Chişinău, 1995. – P. 200.

79. Classification of pollutants, methods and means of environmental protection in the wine-making technology / Victor Covaliov, Gheorghe Duca, Dumitru Ungureanu, Olga Covaliova, Igor Mardari // Symp. on Ecological Chemistry, 1-4 oct. 1995: plenary meet. – Chişinău, 1995. – P. 160.

78. Contents of cooper ions in the natural waters in Moldova / Gheorghe Duca, L. Romanciuc, N. Goreacev, R. Borodaev // Metal Compounds in Environment and Life: VI-th Int. Hans Wolfgang Nurnberg Memorial Symp., 9-12 May 1995. – Julih (Germany), 1995. – P. 113.

77. Duca, Gheorghe. Acţiunea reducătorilor asupra procesului de formare a nitrozoaminelor / Gheorghe Duca, M. Gonţa, Iu. Subotin // Impactul calamităţilor naturale asupra mediului înconjurător: rez. comunic. conf. int. – Chişinău, 1995. – P. 9.

76. Duca, Gheorghe. Analiza şi transformarea nitraţilor, nitriţilor şi nitrozoaminelor în mediul ambiant / Gheorghe Duca, M. Gonţa, Iu. Subotin // Ecologia şi protecţia ecosistemei: ses. şt., 25-26 mai 1995. – Bacău, 1995. – P. 3.

75. Duca, Gheorghe. Ecological chemistry / Gheorghe Duca, Yu. Scurlatov // Symp. on Ecological Chemistry, 1-4 oct. 1995: plenary meet. – Chişinău, 1995. – P. 4.

74. Duca, Gheorghe. Obţinerea biogazului prin imobilizarea pe suport / Gheorghe Duca, Diana Juc, Valerii Tarasov // Bilanţul activităţii ştiinţifice a USM pe anii 1993-1994. Ştiinţe naturale: materialele conf. corpului şt.-didactic, 20-27 martie 1995. – Chişinău, 1995. – P. 185.

73. Duca, Gheorghe. Rezultatele şi perspectivele de dezvoltare a cercetărilor în domeniul chimiei industriale şi ecologice / Gheorghe Duca // Bilanţul activităţii ştiinţifice a USM pe anii 1993-1994. Ştiinţe naturale: materialele conf. corpului şt.-didactic, 20-27 martie 1995. – Chişinău, 1995. – P. 167.

72. Duca, Gheorghe. The causes of degradation of small rivers of Moldova / Gheorghe Duca, Nelli Goreacev, Lidia Romanciuc // VII-th European Ecological Congr. Eureca-95, 20-25 Aug. 1995: abstracts. – Budapest, 1995. – P. 85.

71. Duca, Gheorghe. The intensified method the aerotanks active sludge excess biodegradatoin process / Gheorghe Duca, Diana Juc // Symp. on Ecological Chemistry, 1-4 oct. 1995: plenary meet. – Chişinău, 1995. – P. 163.

70. Duca, Gheorghe. The mechanism of conteraction of nitrosoamines / Gheorghe Duca, Gh. Ţâbârnă, Iu. Subotin // Environmental Science and Vulnerable Ecosystems: 5-th SETAC – Europe Congr., 25-28 June 1995. – Copenhagen, 1995. – P. 78.

69. Duca, Gheorghe. The problem of clinical waste in the Republic of Moldova / Gheorghe Duca, Diana Juc // Symp. on Ecological Chemistry, 1-4 oct. 1995: plenary meet. – Chişinău, 1995. – P. 164.

68. Duca, Gheorghe. The study of treflan hydrolysis / Gheorghe Duca, Ala Reznik // Symp. on Ecological Chemistry, 1-4 oct. 1995: plenary meet. – Chişinău, 1995. – P. 65.

67. Duca, Gheorghe. Training of Ecology specialists in Moldova / Gheorghe Duca, Gh. Jigău. V. Lungu // Symp. on Ecological Chemistry, 1-4 oct. 1995: plenary meet. – Chişinău, 1995. – P. 134.

66. Duca, Gheorghe. Transformation of nitrosomethilurea in aqueous medium / Gheorghe Duca, Maria Gonţa // Symp. on Ecological Chemistry, 1-4 oct. 1995: plenary meet. – Chişinău, 1995. – P. 194-217. – Bibliogr.: 32 tit.

65. Duca, Maria. Raportul ghibberellină fracţie auxină în florile sexuate la diferite forme de Hellianthus annuus L. / Maria Duca, O. Budeanu, Gheorghe Duca // Ocrotirea naturii: prezent şi viitor: materialele conf. şt., 15-16 dec. 1995. – Chişinău, 1995. – P. 60.

64. Dynamics of the medium redox state varying on the treatment of Phaseolus Vulgaris L. seeds by the substances of oxidizing nature / Maria Duca, A. Port, L. Romanchuk, Gheorghe Duca, C. Zanoaga // Symp. on Ecological Chemistry, 1-4 oct. 1995: plenary meet. – Chişinău, 1995. – P. 66.

63. Energetic aspect of the Phaseolus Vulgaris L. Sprouting under the toxic influence of some organic substances / Gheorghe Duca, Maria Duca, N. Balaur, A. Port // Environmental Science and Vulnerable Ecosystems: 5-th SETAC – Europe Congr., 25-28 June 1995. – Copenhagen, 1995. – P. 89.

62. Gonţa, M. Nitrates and nitrites contents in meat products / M. Gonţa, Gheorghe Duca, V. Iambarţev // Symp. on Ecological Chemistry, Chişinău, 1-4 oct. 1995: plenary meet. – Chişinău, 1995. – P. 204.

61. Goreaceva, N. V. Small rivers in the conditions of antropogenic stress / N. V. Goreaceva, G. G. Duca // Symp. on Ecological Chemistry, Chişinău, 1-4 oct. 1995: plenary meet. – Chişinău, 1995. – P. 15.

60. Regulative action of the complex compounds of metals on the Phaseolus Vulgaris L. sprouting / Gheorghe Duca, I. Ursu, M. Duca, A. Port, L. Romanciuc // Metal Compounds in Environment and Life: 6-th Int. Hans Wolfgang Nurnberg Memorial Symp., 9-12 May 1995. – Julih (Germany), 1995. – P. 67.

59. Research of methylurea nitrosation / Gheorghe Duca, Gheorghe Ţâbârnă, Maria Gonţa, Iurie Subotin // Symp. on Ecological Chemistry, Chişinău, 1-4 oct. 1995: plenary meet. – Chişinău, 1995. – P. 90.

58. Reznik, A. The study of treflan photolysis / A. Reznik, Gheorghe Duca // Anul 1995 European de Conservare a Naturii în Republica Moldova: probleme, realizări şi perspective: rez. comunic. сonf. int. şt.-practică, 12-13 oct. 1995. – Chişinău, 1995. – P. 228.

57. Romanciuc, L. S. Modelysing of self-purification processes of aquatic medium / L. S. Romanciuc, N. V. Goreaceva, G. G. Duca // Water Pollution-95: III Int. Conf., 25-28 Apr. – Porto-Carras, 1995. – P. 98.

56. Siminiceanu, I. Water contamination by pesticides / I. Siminiceanu, G. Duca, M. Neamţu // Symp. on Ecological Chemistry, 1-4 oct. 1995: plenary meet. – Chişinău, 1995. – P. 30.

55. Studiul proceselor de oxidoreducere în vinuri la şampanizare / Boris Gaina, Nicolae Taran, Iurie Diacon, Gheorghe Duca, Maria Gonţa, Natalia Vascan // Bilanţul activităţii ştiinţifice a USM pe anii 1993-1994. Ştiinţe naturale: materialele сonf. corpului şt.-didactic, 20-27 martie 1995. – Chişinău, 1995. – P. 173.

54. Дука, Г. Г. Влияние оксикислот на процесс взаимодействия тетразолия нитроголубого с супероксидным радикалом / Г. Г. Дука, Ж. Качанова, Л. Романчук // Кинетика радикальных жидкофазных реакций: тезисы докл. 2-й междунар. конф., 5-10 июня 1995. – Казань, 1995. – Р. 32.

53. Ковалев, В. В. Состояние и решение экологических проблем в виноделии / В. В. Ковалев, Г. Г. Дука // Anul 1995 European de Conservare a Naturii în Republica Moldova: probleme, realizări şi perspective: rez. comunic. сonf. int. şt.-practică, 12-13 oct. 1995. – Chişinău, 1995. – P. 238.

52. Ковалев, В. В. Управление отходами / В. В. Ковалев, Г. Г. Дука, О. В. Ковалева // Anul 1995 European de Conservare a Naturii în Republica Moldova: probleme, realizări şi perspective: rez. comunic. сonf. int. şt.-practică, 12-13 oct. 1995. – Chişinău, 1995. – P. 237.


51. Duca, Gheorghe. Poluarea mediului cu nitrozoamine – factor de risc al maladiilor oncologice / Gheorghe Duca, Gheorghe Ţâbârnă, Maria Gonţa // Omul şi Mediul înconjurător: materiale simpoz. int., 26 oct. 1993. – Iaşi, 1993. – P. 26.

50. Duca, Gheorghe. The kinetic methods of discovering and studying of the properties of partial charge transfer reactable intermediate complexes / G. G. Duca, Iu. Scurlatov // Physical Methods in Coordination Chemistry: abstracts of the XI-th conf., 28-30 sept. 1993. – Chişinău, 1993. – P. 11.

49. Duca, Gheorghe. The utilization of solid wastes in Republic of Moldova / Gheorghe Duca // Proc. of the IV Int. Landfill Symp., Sardinia (Italy), 11-15 Oct. 1993. – Cagliari, 1993. – P. 334.

48. Letto-fluido reactor water treatment of nitrates / Gheorghe Duca, A. Miziti, M. Duca, M. Boni // VIII-th Int. Symp. on epural engineering processes. – Piatra Neamţ, 1993. – P. 15.

47. Дука, Г. Г. Очистка воды от нитратов иммобилизационно-флюидным способом / Г. Г. Дука, А. Мизити // XV Менделеевский съезд по общей и прикладной химии: тезисы докл. – Минск, 1993. – Т. 1. – Р. 357.

46. Дука, Г. Г. Преподавание экологической химии на химическом факультете / Г. Г. Дука, Ю. И. Скурлатов // XV Менделеевский съезд по общей и прикладной химии: тезисы докл. – Минск, 1993. – Т. 1. – Р. 359.


45. Duca, Gheorghe. Cinetica şi mecanismul procesului de nitrozare a metilureei / Gheorghe Duca, Maria Gonţa // Totalurile activităţii ştiinţifice în anii 1991-1992: conf. şt. a corpului didactico-şt., 11-18 ian. 1992: rez. comunic. – Chişinău, 1992. – Vol. 1. Ştiinţe naturale. – P. 185.

44. Gonţa, Maria. Cinetica procesului de formare şi de descompunere a nitrozometilureei şi nitrozosparaginei în apă / Maria Gonţa, Gheorghe Duca // Ecologia şi protecţia mediului înconjurător în Republica Moldova: tezele conf. şt.-practice, iunie 1992. – Chişinău, 1992. – P. 117-119.

43. Дука, Г. Г. Самоочищение природных вод в условиях антропогенного загрязнения / Г. Г. Дука // Totalurile activităţii ştiinţifice în anii 1991-1992: conf. şt. a corpului didactico-şt., 11-18 ian. 1992: rez. comunic. – Chişinău, 1992. – Vol. 1. Ştiinţe naturale. – P. 186.


42. Duca, Gheorghe. Influence of metal iones on anaerobic sludge digestion / Gheorghe Duca, M. Boni, R. Cintoli // Atti del II Congr. Nazionale de Ingegneria Sanitaria-Ambientale – ANDIS-91, 11-13 Dec. 1991. – Roma (Italy), 1991. – P. 35.

41. Duca, Gheorghe. Sensibilita di un processo a faughi alla variazione di parametri operativi / Gheorghe Duca, A. Carucci, S. Rossetti // Atti del II Congr. Nazionale de Ingegneria Sanitaria-Ambientale – ANDIS-91, 11-13 Dec. 1991. – Roma (Italy), 1991. – P. 37.

40. Duca, Gheorghe. The mechanism of coordination compounds of transition metals in processing of oxidation in hydro-ecochemistry systems / Gheorghe Duca // Interfacial Phenomena in the Environment: Int. Conf. in Honour of Werner Stumm, 6-11 Oct., 1991. – Davos (Switzerland), 1991. – P. 111-113.

39. Duca, Gheorghe. The particularities of the biological treatment of wastewater / Gheorghe Duca // Interfacial Phenomena in the Environment: Int. Conf. in Honour of Werner Stumm, 6-11 Oct., 1991. – Davos (Switzerland), 1991. – P. 115-116.

38. Дука, Г. Г. Кинетика и катализ трансформации минеральных форм азота в водной среде / Г. Г. Дука, А. Я. Сычев, В. О. Швыдкий // Поведение пестицидов и химикатов в окружающей среде = Fate of pesticides and chemicals in the environment: труды советско-американского симп., Айова-Сити (США), 14-16 окт. 1987. – Ленинград, 1991. – Р. 421-430. – Bibliogr.: 15 tit.


37. Duca, Maria. The kinetic approach for the evaluation of the capacity of activated sludge / Maria Duca, Gheorghe Duca // Biological Approach to Sewage Treatment Process: Current states and perspectives: proc. int. symp. – Perugia (Italy), 1990. – P. 64.

36. Кильмининов, С. В. Экологические аспекты редокс-процессов в присутствии координационных соединений переходных металлов / С. В. Кильмининов, Г. Г. Дука, Д. Г. Батыр // XVII Всесоюз. Чугаевское совещание по химии комплексных соединений, 29-31 мая 1990: тезисы докл. – Минск, 1990. – Ч. 2. – Р. 357.

35. Координационные соединения железа в окислительно-восстановительном катализе / А. Я. Сычев, Г. Г. Дука, В. Г. Исак, К. И. Тудоряну // Conf. şt. a corpului didactico-şt. dedicată totalurilor cercetărilor şt. în cincinalul al XII-lea, 14-21 ian. 1991: materiale. – Chişinău, 1990. – Vol. 1. – P. 149.

34. Микроколлоидный марганец как носитель сверхокисленных эквивалентов в водоемах, подверженных радиоактивному загрязнению / Е. В. Штамм, Л. С. Эрнестова, Е. В. Вычутинская, Ю. И. Скурлатов, Г. Г. Дука, Д. Г. Батыр // XVII Всесоюз. Чугаевское совещание по химии комплексных соединений, 29-31 мая 1990: тезисы докл. – Минск., 1990. – Ч. 4. – Р. 694.

33. Опыт обучения специалистов профиля в школах по экологической химии / Г. Г. Дука, Ю. И. Скурлатов, Е. В. Штамм, Г. П. Пирукин // III Всесоюз. конф. по образованию в области окружающей среды, 29 окт.-2 нояб. 1990: тезисы докл. – Казань, 1990. – Р. 43.


32. Дука, Г. Г. Перспективные способы утилизации коньячной барды / Г. Г. Дука, О. М. Баев, А. Г. Козуб // Проблемы улучшения экологического состояния в агропромышленном комплексе республики: тезисы докл. респ. научно-производственной конф., 15 июня 1989. – Бельцы, 1989. – Р. 87-88.

31. Скурлатов, Ю. И. Экологическая химия координационных соединений / Ю. И. Скурлатов, Г. Г. Дука, Д. Г. Батыр // XIV Менделеевский съезд по общей и прикладной химии, Ташкент, 11-16 сент. 1989: реф. докл. и сообщ. – Москва, 1989. – Т. 2. – Р. 514.

30. Улучшение качества воды в поливном земледелии / Г. Г. Дука, Л. С. Романчук, Л. Н. Кайряк, М. В. Дука, Ю. И. Скурлатов // Экология водных ресурсов в агропромышленном комплексе: материалы регион. науч. конф., 10-12 сент. 1989. – Волгоград, 1989. – Р. 9.

29. Экологически безопасные способы стимулирования роста растений / Ю. И. Скурлатов, Д. Г. Батыр, Г. Г. Дука, Л. Н. Кайряк, М. В. Дука // Проблемы улучшения экологического состояния в агропромышленном комплексе республики: тезисы докл. респ. научно-производственной конф., 15 июня 1989. – Бельцы, 1989. – Р. 61-63.


28. Дука, Г. Г. Кинетика химических превращений в водных экосистемах / Г. Г. Дука // Экологическая химия водной среды: материалы первой Всесоюз. школы по экологической химии водной среды, Кишинев, 24-26 окт. 1985. – Москва, 1988. – Р. 95-109. – Bibliogr.: 9 tit.

27. Дука, Г. Г. Экологическая химия сточных вод / Г. Г. Дука // Экологическая химия водной среды: материалы второй Всесоюз. школы по экологической химии водной среды, Ереван, 11-14 мая 1988. – Москва, 1988. – Р. 271-293.


26. Duca, Gheorghe. Photolysis of ferrioxiacids coordinational compounds / Gheorghe Duca, A. Sâcev, L. Ciub // XXV Int. Conf. on Coordination Chemistry, 26-31 July 1987: book of abstracts. – Nanjing (China), 1987. – P. 270.

25. Дука, Г. Г. Математическое описание процесса созревания вин / Г. Г. Дука, С. П. Авакянц, С. А. Черепнин // Разработка и совершенствование технологического процесса машин и оборудования для производства, хранения, транспортировки продуктов питания: тезисы докл. Всесоюз. науч. конф., 26-28 мая. – Москва, 1987. – Р. 53-54.

24. Дука, Г. Г. Метод остановленной струи в исследовании комплексов ЧПЗ полифенолов / Г. Г. Дука // Физические и математические методы в координационной химии: тезисы докл. IX Всесоюз. совещания. – Новосибирск, 1987. – Т. 1. – Р. 247.

23. Дука, Г. Г. Окислительное превращение (-) катехина / Г. Г. Дука, С. А. Черепнин // Респ. научно-техн. конф. молодых ученых, 27-28 апр. 1987: тезисы докл. – Тбилиси, 1987. – Т. 1. – Р. 202-204.

22. Дука, Г. Г. Трансформация полифенолов под действием УФ-излучения / Г. Г. Дука, С. А. Черепнин // Респ. научно-техн. конф. молодых ученых, 27-28 апр. 1987: тезисы докл. – Тбилиси, 1987. – Т. 1. – Р. 40-42.

21. Сычев, А. Я. Комплексообразование в процессе декарбоксилирования оксалогликолевой кислоты / А. Я. Сычев, Г. Г. Дука, Ю. В. Скутару // Физические и математические методы в координационной химии: тезисы докл. IX Всесоюз. совещания. – Новосибирск, 1987. – Т. 1. – Р. 248.

20. Чуб, Л. С. Математическое планирование эксперимента с участием координационных соединений / Л. С. Чуб, Г. Г. Дука, А. Я. Сычев // Физические и математические методы в координационной химии: тезисы докл. IX Всесоюз. совещания. – Новосибирск, 1987. – Т. 2. – Р. 221.


19. Sycev, A. Ya. Catalytic oxidation of tartaric acid a model of carboxylic acid oxidation on natural environment / A. Ya. Sycev, G. G. Duca // Fundamental Research in Homogenous Catalysis: proc. of the IV-th Int. Symp. on Homogenous Catalysis, Leningrad, 24-28 Sept. 1984. – New York, 1986. – Vol. 3. – P. 1235-1247.

18. Дука, Г. Г. Кинетика химической трансформации низкомолекулярных форм азота в модельных системах и природных водах / Г. Г. Дука, В. О. Швыдкий // Гидрология 2000 года: тезисы докл. Всесоюз. конф., 20-22 мая 1986. – Москва, 1986. – Р. 143-144.

17. Скурлатов, Ю. И. Гидромониторинг в поливном земледелии / Ю. И. Скурлатов, Г. Г. Дука // Комплексный глобальный мониторинг состояния биосферы: труды III Междунар. симп., Ташкент, 14-19 окт. 1985. – Ленинград, 1986. – Т. 3. – Р. 217-220.

16. Сычев, А. Я. Научные основы мониторинга азотсодержащих соединений в водоемах / А. Я. Сычев, Г. Г. Дука, В. О. Швыдкий // Комплексные методы контроля качества природной среды: симп. специалистов стран–членов СЭВ, 23-29 нояб. 1986: тезисы докл. – Черноголовка, 1986. – Р. 127.

15. Сычев, А. Я. Способ определения нитрит-ионов в природных водах / А. Я. Сычев, Г. Г. Дука, В. О. Швыдкий // Аналитика Сибири – 86: тезисы докл. II регион. конф. – Красноярск, 1986. – Т. 2. – Р. 449.


14. Дука, Г. Г. Динамика изменения содержания перекиси водорода в природных водах, используемых для орошения / Г. Г. Дука, Ю. И. Скурлатов // VII Всесоюз. симп. по современным проблемам прогнозирования, контроля качества воды водоемов и озонирования, 19-21 нояб. 1985: тезисы докл. – Таллинн, 1985. – Р. 73.

13. Сычев, А. Я. О необходимости преподавания экологической химии в высшей школе / А. Я. Сычев, Г. Г. Дука, Ю. И. Скурлатов // III Всесоюз. науч.-метод. совещание-семинар по совершенствованию высшего химического университетского образования, 18-20 сент. 1985: тезисы докл. – Кишинев, 1985. – Р. 8.


12. Дука, Г. Г. Каталитическое окисление винной кислоты – модель превращения карбоновых кислот в сточных водах / Г. Г. Дука, А. Я. Сычев // IV Междунар. симп. по гомогенному катализу, 24-28 сент. 1984: тезисы докл. – Ленинград, 1984. – Т. 4. – Р. 230-231.

11. Каталитическое превращение винной кислоты и ее продуктов в цикле моно- и дикарбоновых кислот / А. Я. Сычев, Г. Г. Дука, Л. С. Чуб, Ю. В. Скутару // Всесоюз. конф. по окислительно–восстановительным реакциям в водных растворах. – Черноголовка, 1984. – Р. 21.

10. Кинетическое исследование системы Fe(III) - дигидроксифумаровая кислота / А. Я. Сычев, С. О. Травин, Ю. И. Скурлатов, Г. Г. Дука // XII Менделеевский съезд по общей и прикладной химии, Баку, 21-26 сент. 1981: тезисы докл. – Москва, 1984. – Ч. 3. Физическая химия. – Р. 88-89.


9. Каталитическое окисление (+) катехина в жидкой фазе / А. Я. Сычев, В. Г. Исак, Г. Г. Дука, М. В. Гонца // Каталитические реакции в жидкой фазе: тезисы докл. VI Всесоюз. конф., 21-23 сент. 1983. – Алма-Ата, 1983. – Ч. 2. – Р. 135.

8. Сычев, А. Я. Дигидроксифумаровая кислота как антиоксидант / А. Я. Сычев, Г. Г. Дука, М. В. Гонца / Биоантиоксидант: Всесоюз. конф., 16-18 мая 1983: тезисы докл. – Черноголовка, 1983. – Р. 203.


7. Дука, Г. Очистка сбросовых вод винзаводов / Г. Дука // Респ. конф. молодых ученых по сокращению цикла «Исследование – разработка – внедрение»: тезисы докл. – Кишинев, 1981. – Р. 48.

6. Сычев, А. Я. Роль некоторых микроэлементов в окислительно-восстановительных превращениях винной кислоты до дикетоянтарной / А. Я. Сычев, Г. Г. Дука // IХ Всесоюз. конф. по проблемам микроэлементов в биологии, 12-16 окт. 1981: тезисы докл. – Кишинев, 1981. – Р. 268.


5. Исследование процесса окисления дигидроксифумаровой кислоты методом остановленной струи / А. Я. Сычев, Ю. И. Скурлатов, С. О. Травин, Г. Г. Дука // Физические и математические методы в координационной химии: тезисы докл. VII Всесоюз. совещания. – Кишинев, 1980. – Р. 32-33.

4. Сычев, А. Я. Механизм каталитического окисления НТ и ДФН в присутствии ионов железа и меди / А. Я. Сычев, Г. Г. Дука // V Всесоюз. конф. по каталитическим реакциям окисления в жидкой фазе: тезисы докл. – Баку, 1980. – P. 46.


3. Сычев, А. Я. Механизмы каталитического окисления винной и дигидроксифумаровой кислот в присутствии ионов железа и меди / А. Я. Сычев, Г. Г. Дука // IV Всесоюз. конф. по жидкофазному окислению органических соединений, 26-28 нояб. 1979: тезисы докл. – Баку, 1979. – Р. 38-39.


2. Сычев, А. Я. Комплексы железа в окислении винной и дигидроксифумаровой кислот / А. Я. Сычев, Г. Г. Дука // XIII Всесоюз. Чугаевское совещание по химии комплексных соединений, 12-15 июня 1978: тезисы докл. – Москва, 1978. – Р. 183-184.

1. Сычев, А. Я. Жидкофазное каталитическое окисление дигидроксифу-маровой кислоты в присутствии ионов меди(II) / А. Я. Сычев, Г. Г. Дука // Каталитические реакции в жидкой фазе: материалы V Всесоюз. конф. по каталитическим реакциям в жидкой фазе, 25-27 сент. 1978. – Алма-Ата, 1978. – Ч. 3. Каталитическое окисление. – Р. 46.