Gheorghe DUCA, academician

doctor habilitat în chimie, profesor universitar
Președintele Societății de Chimie din Republica Moldova

Republica Moldova
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Identificarea Procedeelor Tehnologice de Tratare, Formare a Calității și Cantității Apelor și Cercetări Avansate în Chimia Computațională și Ecologică (Executor)


Mecanisme fizico-chimice a proceselor redox cu transfer de electroni implicate in sistemele  vitale, tehnologice si de mediu (Coordonator)

2014 - 2016

Design-ul substanţelor chimice şi dirijarea arhitecturii materialelor pentru diverse aplicaţii (Coordonator)

2009 - 2012

Cercetări ştiinţifice şi de management ale calităţii apelor (Coordonator)

2004 - 2008

Prelucrarea şi utilizarea deşeurilor din industria vinicolă, precum şi obţinerea produselor noi (Coordonator)




Implementarea tehnologiei de tratare a deșeurilor medicale infecțioase

2014 - 2018

Designul substanțelor chimice și dirijarea arhitecturii materialelor pentru diverse aplicații

2009 - 2010

Новый сорбент – катализатор для очистки воды от cоединений железа, марганца и сероводорода

2008 - 2009

Fotodegradarea substanţelor organice în sistemele acvatice modelate şi apele naturale

2006 - 2010
Procesele redox catalitice în tehnologii mai pure şi mediu ambiant

Estimarea riscului chimic în apariţia cancerului pulmonar

2001 - 2005
Procesele de autopurificare a sistemelor acvatice




FP7-PEOPLE-2013-IRSES Nr. 612484.  "NanoBioMat - Materiale Biocompatibile/ Bioactive Nanostructurate". Conducătorul proiectului: mem. cor. Tudor Lupașcu

2013-2015, FP7, nr.619163, FP7, MoNetAccess, project (European Commission), "Set-up EURAXESS Services Network in Moldova".

2014-2020, H2020, Nr.  689271, "WaterWorks 2015-2020 in Joint Programming Initiatives ”Water Challenges for a Changing World”.


FP7 -PEOPLE-2009-IRSES Nr. 246902 „Photocatalytic Cluster Complexes for Artificial Photosynthesis Applications”. Conducătorul proiectului: acad. Constantin Turta. Perioada: 2010-2013

National coordinator of the project Mold-Era (European Comission, FP7, nr. 266515) Preparation of the Moldova's integration into the European Research Area and into the Community R&D Framework Programs on the basis of scientific excellence.


National coordinator of the project IncoNet CA/SC (European Commission, FP7, nr. 244417) S&T International Cooperation Network for Central Asian and South Caucasus Countries.


National coordinator of the project BS-ERA.NET (European Commission, FP7, nr. 226160) Networking on Science and Technology in the Black Sea Region


National coordinator of the project EXTEND (European Commission, FP7, nr. 231137) Fostering scientific and research co-operation between the Eastern European and the South Caucasus countries and the EU.


National coordinator of the project IncoNet EECA (European Commission, FP7, nr. 212226) „S&T International Cooperation Network for Eastern European and Central Asian countries”


Director of the international grant RFFI (Russia, 08.820.08.13RF): Photodegradation of the organic compounds in the aquatic systems.


National coordinator of the project IN-TER-LINK (SSA Global-4 FP-6) (European Commission, nr. 037116) Promoting International Cooperation for Environmental Research Trough Dissimination and Networking Activities


National coordinator of the FP6 project ERANIS (European Commission, nr. 043564) Strengthening co-operation between European Research Area and NIS


Scientific consultant of the project (Austria, INTAS, ref. nr. 05-104-7505). Optimization of the extraction process of tartaric acid and oenotanins from winery waste and their utilization in the synthesis of new biological active and antioxidant compounds, dir. Dr, M. Gonţa


National coordinator of the project „Idealist”7FP (European Commission, nr. 045059) Support for participants in ICT Priority by network for IST under the transition to the 7th Framework Programme of UE.


Scientific consultant of the grant (Russia, RFFI – Moldova, nr. 06.36 CRF) Chemical and photochemical red-ox catalytic process with participation of iron (III) complex compounds with organic ligands and their role in self-purification process of the aquatic systems, dir. Dr, L.Romanciuc

Responsible for international relations between Government of Republic of Moldova and U.S. Civilian Research & Development Foundation

Co-director of the project (U.S. National science foundation) Environmental Education Partnership Program promoted by the University of California, Riverside and State University of Moldova.

Coordinator of the project (SOROS International science foundation) The natural water self-purification and physico-chemical mechanism of pollutant transformation in aquatic medium chemical


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